
Internship Tips

By Eliza Jordan |

With Spring semester well underway, many students are juggling classes by day, work by night. They’re possibly involved a current internship and looking for a new one to follow. If you are looking for an upcoming internship, make sure you cover all the bases.

Here are a few last-minute tips to check off of your list when applying to that internship that you just have to have!

Langhorne Slim and the Law to play Cafe 11 March 10

By Ryan Buffa |

Langhorne Slim and the Law will be playing the Original Café 11 on Saturday, March 10 and will bring a gospel sound with a rock and roll feel.

Langhorn Slim fits into the folk, singer-songwriter genre and going to his live performances could be described as a gospel-like experience. This is because his creative process requires three aspects that bleed into his live performances.

“Pay attention to the spirit when it moves you. Try to write down every idea. Feed inspiration with love,” Slim said.

Local homeowners near FSDB fear ’eminent domain’

By Marissa Marinan|

Living just north of the Florida School for the Deaf and Blind in St. Augustine, Gina Burrell has a feeling of insecurity for what will happen to her home if the school is granted eminent domain power.

“I have been living in our house for 18 years, my husband built our house and I am almost 80 years old and I don’t want to have to move,” Burrell said. “I mean if they decided they wanted my piece of property I would have to go, so it gives you that feeling of insecurity and it’s not right.”

To Cold Mornings

By Emily Hoover |

The following is a poem submitted to the Creative Section by Emily Hoover. The Gargoyle is currently accepting submissions of creative works including creative writing, fine art, graphic illustrations, multimedia and photography.

Flagler’s dance team competition bound

By Alexz Elmore |

The Flagler College dance team has their first shot competing in a dance competition this year by competing in the Peach Belt Conference Dance competition in Columbus, Ga.

Sarah Gallo, in her first year as head dance coach at Flagler, is excited and anxious for the competition.

Archaeology club preps for archaeology month

By Joshua Santos |

For the Archeology Club of Flagler College, Saturday is just another day to preserve history. The club caravanned deep into the woods down a two-mile dirt road just north of Jacksonville to visit the historic Kingsley Plantation for what was meant to be a day of historic reenactments.

Panamanian midfielder arrives at Flagler with high expectations

By Daniel Arbelaez |

Jean Carlos Vega just arrived to Flagler College this semester and he’s already showcased his talent. This talented, Panamanian player is just beginning to display what he knows.

Vega started playing soccer when he was just five years old. He went to his father’s games and saw him play. Observing his father’s games motivated him to start playing soccer.