
Intelligent women more attractive say surveys, local men

By Alex Galbraith |

Ladies, if you’re looking to snag a mate forget about the cookbooks and pick up a textbook.

The idea that an educated woman has a hard time finding a potential life-partner, that men will find her intelligence threatening, is no more according to recent sociological surveys.

In fact, intelligence has risen to the 4th most-desirable trait that a man looks for while scoping out a spouse, according to a 2008 survey by sociologist Christine Whelan of the University of Pittsburgh.

And local men couldn’t agree more.

“Love Your Planet” event offers eco-friendly service to Flagler students

Flagler College students received a convenient and eco-friendly service last Thursday at the second annual “Love Your Planet” event.

The Faculty Senate Sustainability Committee provided extra bike space around campus and the downtown area, as well as a bike valet service to raise carbon-footprint awareness by encouraging students to ride their bike, car pool or walk to campus.

“It’s something that we want people to do every day, but we decided this day would be the awareness raising initiative and that we would offer bike valet since our bike racks are so full,” Director of College Relations for Flagler College, Laura Stevenson-Dumas said.

Population growth linked to potential for consumptive use of reclaimed water

By Zach Gray |

St. Augustine resident Michael Shirley is no stranger to stringent water conservation efforts.

Originally from an arid part of west Texas, Shirley understands that water is a finite resource. What he does not understand is what he considers to be wasteful habits by many in St. Augustine.

“Back home, people were so conscious about their usage,” he said. “Here in St. Augustine, people have their sprinklers on when it’s raining.”
Shirley is not alone.

Women’s tennis athlete follows in her sister’s footsteps

By Eric Albury |
Photo by Dyann Busse

The Ospina sisters are more than just blood; they are a team. With all three having played tennis at Flagler College, the youngest – Laura (19) – looks to make her mark during her freshman season, joining the ranks among her sisters and begin her own legacy.

“We all started playing tennis at the same time; however, since they are my older sisters, I would say they have been my role models for everything in life, including tennis,” Laura said.

Locally-based graphic novel published by Pineapple Press

By Emily Hoover |

For graphic novelist Andre Frattino, growing up in Gainesville and visiting St. Augustine as a child has spawned more than family photo albums.

His previously self-published graphic novel, “The Reaper of St. George Street,” has been published by Pineapple Press and can be found on Amazon and Barnes and Noble Booksellers.

“I’ve been in love with the St. Augustine area ever since I was a kid, and I catch myself on many occasions almost calling St. Augustine my hometown,” Frattino, 28, said.

Student-led flash mob promotes worthy cause

By Teaira Haynes |

Wednesday, March 7 for many Flagler College students was a dismal day. It was cloudy with the threat of rain. The kind of day some would prefer to spend in bed rather than on campus. However, those who just so happened to be in the West Lawn at 11:50 a.m. had a musically inclined surprise in store for them.

“Sometimes I think what if our school was like High School Musical,” said sophomore Giovanna Saunders, who just so happened to be in the right place at the right time when Flagler College students began a synchronized dance in front of Kenan Hall.

Flagler has ‘Tallant’ with post-grad success

By Alyssa Prehoda|

With Communication Week underway, the success of Flagler alumni can be seen throughout various panels, including two-time emmy winner Shane Tallant.

Tallant is probably best known for being the host of the HGTV show “Designed to Sell.”  Tallant got his start in television right after graduating Flagler, at the age of 21.

News Brief: Fort parking lot to charge on Sundays

By Tiffanie Reynolds |

By this summer, the Castillo de San Marcos parking lot will start running their parking meters on Sunday.

Gordie Wilson, the superintendent of the Castillo de San Marcos National Monument, said the increase in visitor attendance spurred the decision.

“I think with the oncoming 450th anniversary our park visitation will continue to increase,” said Wilson.

New men’s tennis player shows passion for team

By Santiago Martinez-Caro |

The tennis team is already known for having players from several countries but there is a new freshman from Ecuador.

David Espinosa, 18 years old, is attending Flagler College to get his bachelor’s degree in business. He has been playing tennis since he was 10 and he has high hopes for the tennis team this year.

“I think we are going to do very well this season,” Espinosa said.