
Charles Murray’s ‘Coming Apart’ doesn’t hold together

Ah, the ’50s. Squeaky-clean, patriotic American men came home to find their pipe and slippers set out by their dutiful and doting wives. Their 2.5 children would be in the “parlor” working hard on today’s batch of homework and making themselves some Ovaltine, labels out. Monday morning brought the grind and Sunday morning brought church. We were, in short, a country made up of Cleavers.

Racism in St. Augustine: not just a thing of the past

By Zach Gray |

St. Augustine’s reputation as a sleepy tourist town has rarely been questioned.

Trolleys roll by with a calm and tranquility, telling stories of how Henry Flagler and his lucrative railroad industry spearheaded the community’s economic growth.
During the era of Jim Crow, things weren’t much different. A hushed little fishing town, hugging the beautiful Florida coastline, was a serene paradise.

Stand Your Ground legalizes murder

By Lauren Ely |

The state of Florida may legally allow murderers to walk the streets.

Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law has come under scrutiny in the wake of the Trayvon Martin shooting. The law says that when threatened, people do not have to retreat and may use deadly force in self-defense. However, in the Martin case, many believe the law is protecting a man who doesn’t deserve it.

Flagler hands out diplomas to largest graduating class

Flagler College gave diplomas to 386 students on Saturday, April 21, at the spring commencement ceremony. This was the largest graduating class in the history of the college, and also marked the first time the ceremony was held at the St. Augustine Amphitheatre instead of the Flagler Gym.

Senior named grand award winner of 2012 Gargoyle Anthology

Flagler College communication major and graduating senior Alex Bonus was named the Grand Award winner of the second edition of Anthology, a new print publication produced by the the Gargoyle.

The 2012 Anthology, a full-color print publication released earlier this month, showcases students’ work in news, features, opinion, public relations and photography.

Crisp Ellert Guest Speaker discusses Diane Arbus Photography

By Rebecca Snowdale | Marcella Matthaei spoke at the Crisp-Ellert Art Museum last Wednesday on her experiences being photographed by the renown Diane Arbus as a child. Diane Arbus, Matthaei says, is what threw photography in the late 1950’s on it’s head. While most…

Maintaining stress

By Ashley Goodman| Flagler College student Gabrielle Hekhuis was enjoying her Sunday afternoon at the Lincolnville Farmer’s Market until she received a call from her roommate. Her cat, Milk Money, knocked over her fish bowl, drenching her laptop with water. “My laptop is completely…

Spring concert series at the Amphitheater

By Emily Coyne| The temperature isn’t the only thing heating up this time of year. The summer concert circuit is heating up as well, especially at the St. Augustine amphitheater. The spring and summer concert line up has something to offer every music lover….