
Music on the Mountaintop Festival

By Ashley Goodman |

Anyone looking for a last music festival roadtrip before school starts might want to check out this year’s Music On The Mountaintop Festival in Foscoe, N.C. For its fifth consecutive year, the festival brings some of the most underrated names in Folk, Americana and Bluegrass together for three days of dance and jubilation.

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Charles Murray’s ‘Coming Apart’ doesn’t hold together

Ah, the ’50s. Squeaky-clean, patriotic American men came home to find their pipe and slippers set out by their dutiful and doting wives. Their 2.5 children would be in the “parlor” working hard on today’s batch of homework and making themselves some Ovaltine, labels out. Monday morning brought the grind and Sunday morning brought church. We were, in short, a country made up of Cleavers.

Racism in St. Augustine: not just a thing of the past

By Zach Gray |

St. Augustine’s reputation as a sleepy tourist town has rarely been questioned.

Trolleys roll by with a calm and tranquility, telling stories of how Henry Flagler and his lucrative railroad industry spearheaded the community’s economic growth.
During the era of Jim Crow, things weren’t much different. A hushed little fishing town, hugging the beautiful Florida coastline, was a serene paradise.