
Muslim student responds to ignorance, reacts with tolerance

By Sarah Williamson |
Photo by Sarah Williamson

Bunder Shageer’s face differs significantly from the Muslim man on the cover of Newsweek last month. The magazine revealed a close-up of a male rioter spitting violently in protest of an American-made film, “Innocence of Muslims.” The headline, in bold print, titled “Muslim Rage.”

Flagler wins city approval to construct new academic building

Flagler College has the go ahead to build a new academic building on the site of its current Communication Building after a marathon St. Augustine City Commission meeting Oct. 8.

The commission approved Flagler’s request in a 3-2 vote during a seven hour meeting. The building will actually be three two-story interconnected buildings built in a style to model the surrounding historic preservation district.

Juggling Act: Finding balance between a special-needs daughter and a soccer team

By Marissa Strawn |
Juggling a demanding profession with a strong family life is challenging for anyone, but a day in the life of Teddy Meyer may be more hectic than many caneven imagine.

Teddy Meyer is in his eighth season as the head women’s soccer coach at FlaglerCollege and up until the summer of last year, his seemingly chaotic life was relatively normal for any collegiate coach; daily practices, recruiting duties, scouting reports, then putting all coaching aside to go home to a wife and son.

Sea turtle efforts see results along local coastlines

By Phil Sunkel |

Diana Justice is seeing results.

For the last 10 years she has been protecting sea turtle nests along the St. Augustine Beach. Every morning she wakes up and joins a small group of dedicated volunteers to patrol the beaches from Anastasia State Park to Crescent Beach looking for sea turtle nests.