
Ban Bossy: PC Police Strike Again

By Hannah Bleau | The list of words we’re no longer allowed to say is growing at an exceptional rate. The newest one? Bossy. The front page of the “Ban Bossy” website says, “When a little boy asserts himself, he’s called a ‘leader.’ Yet…

Go Local: Go Kookaburra

Local business owners Spencer Hooker and Megan Vidal share the how’s, what’s and why’s surrounding St. Augustine’s most popular coffee shop, The Kookaburra.

The generational blues

I may be a 60-year-old woman in a 20-year-old’s body. I am an avid coffee drinker and almost always in my pajamas by 6 p.m. Sometimes, I read for fun. I never miss my favorite shows on talk radio, and frequently make hot chocolate chip cookies for my sisters just for fun. Seriously, being a grandma is pretty great.

Worth no more than the grade

After years and years of doing average and barely passing, I’ve developed a low expectation for my grades in mathematics. What does that say about me? I’ve basically given up on myself when it comes to that subject because I know I’ll never be great at it? How pathetic is that … but it’s true.

CPAC: Death of American Privacy

Harnessing widespread anger towards diminishing civil liberties, CPAC engaged hundreds of attendees in a privacy panel on day two of the annual conference. The panel featured three policy experts to reflect the current issues of privacy in modern day America.