Space + BNL = Nerd Love

Today two worlds collided, and I had the ultimate nerd moment.

As a recent addition to the Twitterverse, I have slowly added several space-related Twitter-ers (can’t bring myself to use the word “tweeps”) along with all of my close friends, colleagues, etc. One of those is the official NASA twitter — simply @NASA — and this morning the best “tweet” ever came across my desktop:

The crew awoke today to “Sound of Your Voice” by Barenaked Ladies at 5:31am ET. The song was played for Scott Altman.

Say what? I couldn’t believe my eyes. My two obsessions had crossed paths. BNL in space? I think my brain nearly exploded.

In honor of this momentous occasion, I leave you with some belated video of the STS-125 launch.

Oh, and I think I may have finally picked a favorite astronaut. 😉

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