So much for entry-level work

Many students opt for grad school, unique trips after graduation

By Brittany Hackett |

Following graduation, Kayla Rolen plans to earn her master’s degree in terrorism and national security. Senior Nicole Channer gave out free hugs on Hooray Day! and will be moving to Alaska. Mihir Garud is a member of SAM team and is going to work as a financial analyst for Merrill Lynch in Jacksonville. English majors Mara Phillips and Julie Milo will both enter graduate school in the fall. Phillips will work towards a master’s in education from the Univeristy of Florida, and Milo will attend the Univeristy of South Carolina for a master’s in library sciences. Read on for their complete profiles.

Julie Milo

Major: English
Minor: history and religion
Plans after graduation: Master’s in library sciences, University of South Carolina
Why did you choose this degree? “I’m good at school and researching and helping other people research.”
Dream job: working at the Library of Congress
Flagler activities: work study in the library, co-senior editor of “The Flagler Review”
Favorite Flagler memory: Italy study abroad summer of 2005
Favorite superhero: Spiderman

Mihir Garud

Major: Business Administration
Minor: Economics
Plans after graduation: Working for Merrill Lynch as a financial adviser in Jacksonville
Long-term career plans: Hopefully, I will stay with Merrill Lynch and move up the corporate ladder, get my MBA, move back to Chicago and get into the investment banking field
Flagler Activities: SAM (Society for the Advancement of Management), Student-Alumni association board of directors, Merrill Lynch intern in my last semester at Flagler
Best memory of Flagler: Winning the SAM national case team competition this year. Our SAM adviser Lou Preysz is retiring at the end of this year so we were very happy he gets to go out on a high note.
Longest time without sleep: A little over 24 hours during sophomore year finals to study for three finals and one presentation the same day!
Favorite ice cream flavor: Ben & Jerry’s Chunky Monkey
What advice would you offer to other students that have not yet graduated?
Try to find a subject that you wouldn’t get bored or tired with so you can start getting an idea of what careers are available with your major and minor. Also, try to get internships to gain experience. And most of all: HAVE FUN! This is a time where you should be enjoying everything in life before you graduate and have to look for jobs. Make the most of your college experience and have no regrets.

Kayla Rolan

Major: Political Science and Philosophy/Religion
Minor: Pre-Law
Plans for after graduation: Graduate school to get my masters in Terrorism and National Security and then Law school to get my Juris Doctorate in International Law
Flagler activities: President of Campus Crusade for three years, President of Political Guild for two and a half years, Student Ambassador, Resident Adviser for two years, Phi Alpha Delta for two years (Secretary one year), Omicron Delta Kappa and Alpha Chi
What was your favorite class and why? Intro to Judaism, and Hebrew both with Rabbi Goldman. They are both my favorite classes because while Flagler has academically challenged me in many classes, I walked out of both of these feeling like I was not only a better me individually, but that I had more to offer to society.
Most memorable experience at Flagler? My sophomore year the first Crusade meeting I ever held as president. It was raining SO hard and I was coming back from work. King Street was flooded, and my car died and floated down King Street and no one would stop to help me so I was just stuck in it. I felt like I was living in the Oregon Trail computer game and I had just chosen to caulk my wagon and float it across and all my oxen had died!
Why do you love the Amish? I love the Amish because I envy the simplicity of their life. I feel like all too often our world gets caught up in business, and competition with who can out do the other. The Amish just live very simply and while they are not without heartache or complications, something about their quality of life just seems more genuine.

Nicole Channer

Major: History
Plans for after graduation: “I’m moving to Eagle River, Alaska, which is near Anchorage. My husband is stationed at Fort Richardson and he just got back from Iraq. I want to spend time with him and become a history teacher.”
Flagler activities: “I’m a leader in Intervarsity and a member of the Outdoors Club”
Craziest thing you’ve done at Flagler: “I got engaged to my husband after five days of dating, and seven years of friendship.”
Coolest thing you have done while at Flagler: “I give out free hugs on St. George Street and on campus to spread the love and break down the boundaries that prevent us from being more of a family in St. Augustine.”
Favorite Superhero: “Captain America — that’s why I have a thing for a man in a military uniform.”
Favorite quote: “Life may not be pretty but it is beautiful. I don’t know who said it.”

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