By Victoria Van Arnam |

Flagler SIFE won the regional competition and will be proceeding to nationals in Minneapolis, Minnesota in May. This regionals had some tough competition but the reigning national champions prevailed as results were announced on Monday at the award ceremony.
Flagler SIFE won the Entrepreneurship Individual Topic Competition with their TAPED Ethical Training video.
Flagler SIFE also attended a small reception with individuals from Sam’s Club corporate offices.

The team is ecstatic and exhausted, after a week break general and competition preparation meetings will resume as everyone is ready for more.

Sheila Acharya thanking Donna DeLorenzo and Barry Sand, our Sam Walton Fellows and advisors.

The team posing for a photo after presenting at regionals.

Jessica Welch and Kameron Lapp, the project leaders for TAPED the program that won the Entrepreneurship Individual Topic Competition.

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