SGA talks clubs and proposals

By Kelly Gibbs |

Student Government Association discussed the Faculty Senate’s reaction to SGA’s revised attendance proposal.

Jim Stiller, first chair of academic committee, reported that the new attendance policy went over well. The universal policy — which would make the new policy mandatory for all teachers — will also be added on to the amendment. A policy vote will be held March 10 at 3:30 p.m. in the Flagler Room.

A Sexual Assault and Violence Education Union was proposed and approved by SGA. SAVE is an informational club on the topic of preventing dating violence and rape, as well as an outlet to any student who needs help in that area. The club will work closely with the Betty Griffin House, which shelters women who have escaped violent relationships.

Matulewicz proposed an amendment to the SGA constitution. He asked that SGA members — which are currently required to have at least a 2.0 GPA — be required to have no less than a 2.5 GPA. The amendment proposal was read and will be discussed and voted on next Tuesday, March 9.

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