SGA executive GPA requirement passes

By Kelly Gibbs |

The amendment to the Flagler constitution stating Student Government Association executives must have above a 2.5 GPA passed on Tuesday, March 23. A clause was added to the amendment that renders it effective starting with next year’s SGA elections.

Jim Stiller, head of academics committee, announced that the faculty senate ended up turning down SGA’s new attendance policy proposal.

“The good news is Senator Upchurch, who teaches business law, came up with pretty much the same policy that we have,” Stiller said.

Campus concerns announced their ongoing progress with their Publix bag project and are still deciding on what logo will be portrayed on the bags. Likewise, publicity committee stated their current project is helping campus concerns out with this endeavor.

The community service committee declared the dodge ball game was getting pushed back to April 7 to get more people involved, tickets are $25 per team of five or $5 as a single person. On April 7, spirit committee is still planning the carnival in the FEC parking lot. Tickets are $6.

Green committee announced their upcoming Earth Day celebration on April 24 at their gardening location at Temple Bet Yam. SGA president David Matulewicz also announced the upcoming fundraiser “Dancing for Diabetes” on April 17 at 7 p.m. Attendees will be required to raise $20 for registration to the dance and the proceeds go to the American Association for Diabetes.

All juniors and seniors interested in SGA executive elections should turn in their election packets before 5 p.m. on Friday, March 26. Packets can be found at student services. There are also positions open on the Student Judiciary Committee.

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