SGA board announced

By Brittany Hackett, Kathleen Holland, Katie Shepard & Bailey Toombs

Photo by Florian Boyce

PHOTO CAPTION: From left to right, President Ellie Baggett, Treasurer Chris Cadiz, Secretary Richard Harris and Vice President Brandon Collins are the 2006-2007 SGA Executive Board.

President Ellie Baggett

Ellie Baggett, a Flagler College junior, wants to see progress and change in next year’s Student Government Association (SGA) and she thinks she’s the right woman for the role of SGA President.

“I want to push SGA into where it belongs, which is a stronghold of student life and an influence of major decisions on campus,” Baggett said.

As president-elect, one of the areas of SGA Baggett hopes to strengthen is non-member student involvement. “Students need to feel that they’re essential to the success of SGA, and it’s time we give them that responsibility and opportunity,” Baggett said.

Baggett also expressed her belief that the SGA become more active in influencing decision-making and change. Baggett feels the SGA should take their concerns directly to the administration and be decisive in their positions.

“No other group has the impact we do, and it’s time we make ourselves a catalyst for change,” Baggett said.

Vice President Brandon Collins

“The more we stick together as a college, the more we can get changed,” said SGA Vice President-elect Brandon Collins. This year he was the treasurer of SGA, which he enjoyed but he felt that the job requirements for Vice President were more fitting. With the desire to stay more involved, he ran for Vice President of SGA and won.

Collins has a few ideas for next year which include an inter-dorm phone system and updating the library’s movie collection. He feels like Flagler College is not staying up to date with today’s culture and he would like to help make that happen.

“I want to take my job seriously,” Collins said. He can not wait to work with the President of SGA, Ellie Baggett and the rest of the team.

Secretary Richard Harris

Sophomore Richard Harris, who is currently the secretary of SGA, won reelection for the upcoming academic year.

Harris discussed the many responsibilities linked to the position of secretary. “It requires a number of things, the first being the taking of minutes,” Harris said. “I’m also in charge of public relations.”

Harris has several goals for SGA. “In previous years, the Web site has been lacking,” he said. “We are working on getting our own access code so we can update the web page as often as we want.”

This would allow minutes from SGA meetings to be online and available to students.

One of his goals is to increase student relations with Flagler administration. He hopes to open a corridor of communication so that everyone is on the same page.

Treasurer Chris Cadiz

Flagler’s newly elected SGA treasurer, Christopher Cadiz, is ready and excited for the semester ahead.

He ended this semester with a bang by managing the “Baggett, Collins, Cadiz, Harris” campaign during elections, which proved successful for all four candidates.

Cadiz, a rising senior and political science/pre-law major decided to run for SGA treasurer because he “wanted to be a part of the new executive board that I have confidence in.

We have the ability and the will to do a lot. I think a problem in the previous years has been too little student involvement,” he said. Cadiz, along with Baggett, Collins and Harris, plans to change that. Of course, as for his duties as treasurer, Cadiz plans on “maintaining a responsible budget” for the SGA.

As a whole, SGA’s goals for the year ahead are to “get more students involved and find different ways to do that,” Cadiz said.

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