Seniors struggle in job search

By Bailey Latham |

According to the Washington Post, a typical college graduating class has 10 percent of its students graduating without a job or predetermined plan, but last year that number rose to 40 percent. Four Flagler College students weigh in on their job search and plan upon their April 24 graduation.

Jaclyn Miklos said: “I have been actively searching a job since before November and have not found any companies willing to take me on. I am discouraged and feel that I have put in so much work in my four years at college that it may not have been worth it. Upon graduation, I will continue my search back in Ormond Beach, save money and find that perfect job for me.”

Sarah Black said: “Right now I’m actually waiting to hear back from an interview I just did with a non-profit in West Palm Beach. So if I get that position I would move down there and start working, which would be great. If it doesn’t work out, I’m planning on spending some time at home with my family and taking a breather to get ready for the next step. I may look for a summer internship in Washington D.C.. After a few weeks I’ll be back in St. Augustine moving my stuff to West Palm Beach or Melbourne, once my lease is up and just take on job searching aggressively. I’m trying to stay positive, but I’m realistic at the same time. My sister graduated from VA Tech in 2008 and it took her 18 months to find her job.”

Jacquelyn Campbell said: “Graduation is only a few weeks away and it scares me! It seems like just yesterday I was a freshman, wondering aimlessly around campus. After graduation, I am going to be looking anywhere and everywhere for a job. I’ve been applying like crazy. I have probably sent my resume out to about 100 places and gotten only three phone calls back. So at this point, I don’t even care what the job it. I haven’t given up on finding a job within the communication field but it might have to take the side burner for a while. I am just hoping to get my foot in the door. My dream job would be to move to southern California and work as a production assistant on a movie set. You have to know people now-a-days, making connections and networking is such an important part of the job search.”

Pat Varney said: “The most valuable thing I’ve learned about defeating the negativity of the poor job market is connections. The more people you know, the better because the people I’ve met at Flagler have the best job connections and options for me once I graduate. My number one hopeful job I property management in New York City with one of my friends taking over for his father. One of my old roommate’s works for his family’s company called MECCON, overseeing and managing job sites based in Chicago and I could potentially work with their company’s marketing department. My mother is a Chief Marketing Officer for a New England based insurance company and she makes connections for me as well. I have also submitted my resume to four advertising agencies as back-ups. When you meet people for the first time, the first impression you give people is a way to market yourself. So be friendly because you never know who you will meet and how they can help you down the road.”

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