Sell yourself to potential employers

By Jaime Greco |

It seems to be that time of year when Flagler College student’s refunds are running low and students are beginning to realize that it is time to find a job before the holiday season.

“Every year, my refund feels like I won the lottery. And every year, I find myself looking for a job around this time to save for Christmas presents,” said Zach Mirich, 19.

“I feel like jobs around here are so hard to come by. The good ones at least,” said Carri Rehburg, 22.

But to find a job, you have to make yourself stand out. The standard resume filled with part-time jobs and an almost-completed undergraduate degree just won’t cut it to get noticed.

“Number one is experience,” said Rich Przybylek, a manager at Harry’s Seafood Bar and Grille in St. Augustine.

Another way to make yourself stand out is how you sell your personality, especially in the interview. “I look for someone who is not timid, but doesn’t act like they run the place,” said Przybylek.

It is important for your personality to be appropriate and fit into the atmosphere where you are applying for jobs. Sell your personality in the interview. Show who you are and how you will benefit the company.

First impression is also a big selling point. “Personal appearance says a great deal about someone and it almost always correlates to how they work or how they are perceived in the workplace,” said Przybylek.

Dress and carry yourself professionally. This shows a potential employer that you are serious about working for them.

Make a point to introduce yourself to the manager or supervisor at a company when submitting a resume or application. This puts a picture of your face in their head and shows that you didn’t just leave a copy of your resume at the front desk or with the receptionist.

The resume or application that you submit to an employer just doesn’t speak loud enough to really persuade an employer to hire you. The interview is your biggest selling point. Make a statement and show how you will benefit the company.

Finally, be yourself.

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