Scuba “Dumpster” Diving

By Courtney Cox |


To coexist with life on the ocean floor is an experience incomparable to anything else on this earth.

Swimming amongst a school of fish, exploring coral reefs and ship wrecks, discovering sea life, becoming a part of a completely different ecosystem are a part of what makes scuba diving so worth it, but something is making divers hesitant to dive these days—why? The answer may be found in their bank account, or not, because many divers are starting to see their accounts drain into diving.

Scuba diving can be costly, there’s no doubt, but instead of giving up on diving altogether, why not start taking a more cost-friendly approach? Because if cost is what’s holding you back from an underwater escapade, then start putting your thrifty schemes to work.

Being able to explore below sea level is a gift that wouldn’t be possible for scuba divers to enjoy if it wasn’t for “the father of scuba diving,” Jacques Cousteau. He graced divers all over with the invention of modern dive gear, however, that dive gear seems to come at a cost that most are not willing to pay.

Today, the overall cost of scuba gear, including diver certification class, can range anywhere from $700 to $2,000 (keep in mind that these figures vary based on package deals and brand names).equipment

Dive gear is expensive, but doesn’t have to be bought at the outrageous “brand new” prices. There’s alternative ways to get gear without breaking the bank—like renting gear from a local dive shop or even purchasing gently used gear.

Joe Chlebowski, owner of Gaspar’s Dive Shop located along the Gulf Coast of Englewood, Florida, said that diving can ultimately be less costly when you own your own gear.

“If you own your own gear, all you have to pay for is air and chip in on fuel,” Chlebowski said. “The average cost of scuba diving when you own your own gear is $4.50 per air fill and most people will dive three tanks in one day.”

When a scuba diver takes the initiative to go out and purchase their own gear, it’s always a good idea to do some research beforehand.

Diving is a luxury that is more serious than a lot of people realize. When a diver is 60 plus feet below the surface, the last thing they want is their equipment to fail on them.dive-flag

Purchasing dive gear online can be a sketchy situation. There’s no guarantee that the picture online (be it Amazon, eBay, Craigslist, etc.) will match what it turns out to be in person. It’s best to shop for gear in person at dive shops so that you can properly assess your potential purchase and ask questions to dive shop employees.

Chlebowski said that there are a couple of ways for new divers to keep the cost low.

“One way is to buy a package deal on all your gear, if you buy the gear separately you don’t get as big of a discount. You could also rent gear …” Chlebowski said.

Essential dive gear may be pricey, but it only starts to really add up when divers begin to accessorize. Unnecessary dive items include: a flashlight, dive knife, dive knife holder, GoPro camera, water housing for camera, dive tool kit and other camera amenities.sand-dollars

As long as there’s an ocean, there will always be opportunity to explore it. These price conscientious methods for scuba divers should impact the way they make financial dive decisions.

So, share the fuel cost with your dive buddies, hunt for the best equipment deals and don’t let money steer you away from life “unda da sea.”

Isn’t life supposed to be filled with endless amounts of adventure while we’re here? Don’t settle for life on dry land when there’s so much mystery and euphoria below the waves. And as Cousteau, the father of scuba diving himself said, “the sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever.”

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