Review: The Pearl

Photo by Raymond Williams
Clubgoers at The Pearl can expect to dance the night away surrounded by trees growing inside.

Club has something for everyone

By Katie Shrum

Imagine a club where ’80s punk rock meets Panic! at the Disco, a place where no matter where you are from, or what clique you run with, you will find a group to mingle with. Are you intrigued yet? If so then you should check out The Pearl. Located in the heart of Downtown Jacksonville, at First and Main, it has become a weekly haven for many Flagler students.

Upon entering the club, the first thing that you might notice is the assortment of giant trees which are scattered throughout the inside, a pool table to your right, the bar to your left, and, of course, the dance floor. As you walk toward the dance floor, you will be able see the multi-colored lights radiating under the feet of the pulsating bodies which never fail to fill the floor, and another giant cement tree growing right out of the middle of it.

The music includes an assortment of mash-ups spun by DJ Ricky every Wednesday through Saturday. The music selection has a little bit of something for everyone. You will hear everything from Madonna, The Postal Service, and Head Automatica to Justin Timberlake, Kanye West, and Akon. The DJ flows right from one beat to the next, so, if you wanted to, you could dance all night. But if dancing doesn’t appeal to you there is still a place for you at The Pearl.

You just need to check out the outside deck, which is located through the hallway at the back of the club. The atmosphere on the deck is very laid back. There are dangling white lights scattered around the perimeter, and plenty of tables to rest at. You can go there to have a cigarette (although the inside is smoker-friendly as well), catch your breath, meet new people, or just hang out with good friends. The outside air is always a refreshing way to cool off if you’ve been dancing all night, and the music can still be heard, in a much softer tone, so it is easier to hold a conversation. On nights when it’s cold, you can also find a few big space heaters on the deck to keep warm by.
The staff is always roaming around, and accommodating its customers. You may occasionally be accosted by “Big Six,” a giant bouncer with a heart of gold, or you may even be offered a massage from Donovan, another friendly employee who has been appropriately nicknamed “Fingers.” Every night at the door you will be greeted by Steve, who will ask for your ID, so have it handy.

The cover charge is $5 if you are over 21 and $7 if you are under. Wednesday is always Ladies night, and Thursday through Saturday, are the weekly dance parties. On Saturday nights, in addition to the dance party inside, VJ Jaren plays music videos on the wall of the outside deck area.

The staff is also good about keeping customers informed about special events they have, such as their Halloween and New Year’s parties. So, whether you are there to dance off a week’s worth of calories, meet some cool new people, become accustomed to the chamber called “The Love Booth,” or even just behold the bathroom’s rhinestone toilets, The Pearl is a great place for anyone to relax and wind down after a long week of class.

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