Ponce Hall dorm renovations have begun

Fixing the showers and AC are just the beginning for the girls dorm

By Rachel Manring

Photo by Charlotte Cudd
Students in Ponce Hall like Jacqueline Malambri have had trouble with water pressure all semester.

Many Ponce residents are experiencing unusual showering conditions this term. Due to renovations to the college and problems with the hot water system, there have been several complaints with regard to the water temperature and pressure in the showers.

“If you go to take a shower in the morning, there’s rarely any hot water between 6:30 and 9:30,” said Michelle Kypriss, a sophomore and Ponce third west resident. “The water pressure is good, but it takes 10 minutes before the water is hot and on full blast.”

Amanda Melady, a freshman Ponce third east resident, is in a similar situation.

“There is really low water pressure about three times a week, usually around the morning hours. There’s almost always hot water, but it will go out sometimes in the mornings,” she said.

Plant Supervisor Vic Cheney was able to explain the fluctuating water temperature and pressure in some rooms.

“Renovations to the mechanical systems for AC and hot water have been very extensive,” Cheney said. “We are updating these systems to improve the temperature of classrooms in Kenan Hall and hot water in Ponce.

“W.W. Gay is the contractor involved in the renovation and although the system is in place, many parameters need to be adjusted. We are at a point in this process that will require turning off water supply to improve water flow to the third floor of Ponce. We are trying to limit the upsets by postponing adjustments still needed until after graduation.”

In addition to the AC and hot water renovations, 33 rooms on the west wing of Ponce are scheduled to be refurbished. This will occur immediately following graduation on April 22 and is planned to be finished by Aug. 15.

Because the renovation takes place during the summer, there will be no relocation of students necessary. Summer school students will be placed in rooms that are not involved in the renovation.

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