New men’s tennis player shows passion for team

By Santiago Martinez-Caro |

The tennis team is already known for having players from several countries, but there is a new freshman from Ecuador.

David Espinosa, 18 years old, is attending Flagler College to get his bachelor’s degree in business. He has been playing tennis since he was 10 and he has high hopes for the tennis team this year.

“I think we are going to do very well this season,” Espinosa said.

The tennis team has had a tough start but the players are optimistic.

“Last weekend we played in Georgia and we lost, but we are playing at home soon and we are going to win,” Espinosa said.

Espinosa came to the United States in search of something specific, something that could help him in the future.

“I found Flagler because I was looking for a private college in Florida, and with second Division tennis,” Espinosa said.

Espinosa is not eligible this semester to help his teammates win games due to academic reasons, but he is part of the team and it is not rare to see him on campus with his teammates.

“I am eligible next semester and I will play more singles than doubles matches,” Espinosa said.

After he graduates from Flagler Espinosa will stop playing tennis and focus on his family’s business.

“I will do my masters in economics and go back to my country,” Espinosa said.

The tennis team will keep fighting hard this season to make the playoffs and Espinosa will always be there to support his teammates in both the wins and the losses.

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