New athletics site hits Web

By Megan Kramer

The Flagler College Athletic Web site recently got a facelift. The new site was unveiled on Oct. 18, by John Jordan, Flagler College’s Sports Information Director.

According to Jordan, the new site is easier to update and has new features that include an online newsletter, poll and running scoreboard.

“A new site was needed as Flagler moves to Div. II,” Jordan said.

Peer athletic Web sites also helped Jordan decide on the new look for the Flagler athletic page. An online poll posted by Jordan showed positive feedback on the new layout of the athletic Web site.

The new site will have streaming audio, provided by WFCF radio, and video, provided by The Gargoyle.

Jordan is also hoping to have live stats from basketball, volleyball and baseball games up and running sometime soon.

The new Web site was designed by Internet Consulting Services of Syracuse, N.Y., whose other clients include the Florida Sun Conference and Webber International.

The address for the new athletic Web site is

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