Millennials are feeling the pressure

By Brianna Kurzynowski, Troy MacNeill, Becky Spreitzer and Ariel Thomas |

ST. AUGUSTINE – Election Day has finally come for a nation torn in two and residents of the Nation’s Oldest City are watching the results closely.

A key factor in this election is the Millennial voter turnout.

“It’s important to vote because it affects our generation most,” said Maggie Flynn, 19, a student at Flagler College. “This is the first time voting for some of us. There aren’t a lot of people telling us to vote or saying if you don’t vote here are the consequences.”

shuttleSkyler Manley, 18, agrees. She sat waiting outside the Proctor Library at Flagler College, waiting to be bussed to the polls so that she could cast her ballot.

“I’m voting because I’ve always been super into my civic duty,” she said.

Many Millennials are voting for the first time, and they are taking advantage of the opportunity.

“I think it matters,” said Alicia Wyatt, 19. “It’s exciting and we finally have the ability to go out and be heard.”

Adriana Cases

Adriana Cases

Though some students weren’t inspired by either party, they’re still taking their time to vote. Adriana Cases, 21, said that she chose one candidate, not necessarily because she agreed with that candidate, but because she does not want the other candidate to win. She said she wished she had another choice.


Ali Mulia

Ali Mulia, 20, saw strengths and weaknesses in both candidates.

“I chose my candidate because I’d rather have progress instead of steps back,” he said.

Flagler College Dining Hall employee Vicky Ebersohl, though not a Millennial, said she knew who she wanted to vote for, though she wasn’t crazy about either candidate.

“At this point it’s voting for the lesser of two evils,” she said. “It’s either four more years of what we already had or something new.”


Vicky Ebersohl

There’s pressure for Millennials to right the wrongs of the people that came before them, which is why their participation in this election is so crucial to our nation’s future.

“It shouldn’t be up to us to change the problems but unfortunately it is,” Manley said.

Wyatt agrees.

“For people who are undecided, I don’t think they know how important it is,” Wyatt said. “This is our future.”

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