Men’s cross country team excelling after first three meets

By Don Stewart |

Photos by Phillip C Sunkel IV

Michael Lambert has led the Saints cross country team with two strong outings to start the season. He finished 23rd, third and 52nd with a best time of 21:02. Others with strong performances were Alex Bonus, Corey Mundy, Derek Casciano and Justin Talavera.

Lambert says the team came into the season with an “aggressive mindset” and said he feels good about the way the team is competing after the first three meets.

Lambert gives a lot of credit to the three freshmen on the squad who have adapted to the college system.

Mike Lambert and Alex Bonus

“This is the most talented group I’ve run with in my three years here and it is likely the most talented group Flagler has ever had,”

Lambert said.

Their success this season is also credited to new Coach Brian Bell, who has brought a new approach.

“He’s kept us on target and focused and I really think that will show come next month when we’ll be running our best,” Lambert said.

The team will spend the rest of this week and part of next week preparing for the Disney Classic on Oct. 8, where they hope to continue to improve on an already exciting start to the season.

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