Just Shut Up Already

Rather then going through my progressions this week and making some quick hits, I’m going to focus on one target.

My target this week is the national media and their continually suspect treatment of Dallas Cowboys receiver Terrell Owens.

After the Cowboys’ first lost of the season this week, Owens was asked if he thought he got the ball enough in the game. Owens, who was “thrown at” 18 times, should have known this question was a setup and deflected it, but instead he took it head on. Owens said that know he didn’t get the ball enough and that he wants the ball more because he’s a competitor.

Now isn’t that what you want from your star players? Guys who want the ball as much as possible? Not got guys like Vince Young, who has contemplated retirement so many times in his two year career, Michael Jordan shakes his head. Guys like Terrell Owens, who wants to make big plays and help the team win.

Just don’t go telling the national media that. After Owens’ comments came out, his face was pasted across every broadcast of SportsCenter, every national writer had his opinion and not surprisingly they were ALL against T.O. Suddenly after won loss, the house was crumbling in Dallas and after two full seasons of happiness, T.O. was back to his old tricks and was about to destroy the Cowboys. Riiiiiiight.

Owens is NOT back up to his old tricks. Every other time he’s caused a problem it has had something to do with his contract. Jerry Jones was smart enough to lock Owens up long term this past offseason at a rate that puts him among the highest paid receivers in the league. Now all T.O. wants is a Super Bowl ring and he knows that with Dropsies Crayton on the other side of the field, the best way for the Cowboys to get that ring is to get him the ball.

I especially want to target Keyshawn (or as T.O. now calls him ‘Sheshawn’) Johnson. Hey Keyshawn, we all know you’re bitter that the Cowboys waived you, T.O. took your spot and since then they’ve made the playoffs every season. It’s so painfully obvious to anyone who watches you on ESPN. For the guy who wrote a book after his ROOKIE year called “Just give me the damn ball” you sure are a raging hypocrite to call anyone else out for asking for the ball. So just shut up already.

Here are my picks for the week:
Titans over Ravens
Whatcha gonna do now that Kerry Collins has officially taken your job, VY?
Panthers over Chiefs
Larry Johnson won’t repeat last week’s performance against a much better defense.
Bears over Lions
You had to be impressed with the way the Bears stuffed the Eagles on Sunday night.
Packers over Falcons
With or without Aaron Rodgers this game should get the Pack back on the winning track.
Texans over Colts
Call me crazy, but I see the Texans being energized in their first home game since Ike.
Chargers over Dolphins
Looks like LT is starting to come around.
Giants over Seahawks
When does the schedule get difficult for Eli and Co.?
Eagles over Redskins
Westbrook should be back and the Redskins are playing way over their heads right now.
Broncos over Buccaneers
Good offensive teams score like wildfire on the Broncos. The Bucs aren’t one.
Cardinals over Bills
Trent Edwards has to realize he’s Trent Edwards eventually.
Cowboys over Bengals
Yes, T.O. will get the ball, and yes Dallas will romp.
Patriots over 49ers
If Matt Cassel can’t beat the 49ers, I’m really interested to see if Belichick explodes.
Jaguars over Steelers
Big Ben is hurt, Menwelde Moore is the running back, I think the Jags can handle that.
Saints over Vikings
Brad Childress may be the next coach to kiss his job goodbye.

Last week: 7-6
Overall 36-24

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