July 4th, California style

Every business has a troublesome client, but being a public relations practitioner means that you have to handle your client well and get the job done.

In this case, our client had her boyfriend call my boss Jane and threaten her life if she did not return a piece of jewelry immediately back to her in New York. So the next day one of the interns spent the whole day going through all the jewelry invoices and products to find this one piece that our client swore we had.

The problem was that we had had the piece and sent it back to her months before but had lost the Fed Ex tracking of the shipment. So it became a “her word against ours” scenario. But not only that, our lives were threatened. Needless to say, she is no longer a client of ours. The drama lasted only a day or two, but it was kind of exciting.

The weekend of July 4th is always exciting, but mine was even more exciting because we had Miss Universe, Miss USA, Miss California (the new one), and Miss Teen USA come into the showroom! These girls were gorgeous and so sweet. We got to talking about how long they had trained for the pageant and most of them said that they just did it on a whim and happen to win. Being a winner has its perks because each of them walked out with an Eva Couture dress, D&Y hats, scarves, sunglasses, face lotions, spa gift certificates shoes, tanning packages, Marcia Moran jewelry and purses.

July 4th starts very early in California, at least the festivities do. The girls I work with all went to a friend’s house in Redondo Beach to watch the fireworks. But my roommate got sick so her friend Josh picked us up. He told us that the only way he would come get us is if we went to a party in the Hollywood Hills with him. (Who is going to say no to that?)

We drove up, and up, and up the winding hill till we got the house. It was right on the road, which was perched on the top side the hill. We got out of the car and our mouths dropped; the view is so amazing.

We left that house after 10 minutes and went to the very trendy exclusive Katana sushi bar. This food is top-rated, but honestly, I had better sushi in Westwood at a dive sushi place. After that $300 bill was avoided by the girls, we went with our group over to Skyy Bar. Wanna talk about ritzy? This lounge and dance hot spot is impossible to get into unless you look like you are someone or hand the bouncer a $100. It sounds ridiculous, I know, but we saw someone do it! My friend and I stuck our nose up as high as possible and somehow got in.

The economy is bad, I understand that but I have applied at Equinox gym, LA Fitness, Roni’s diner; clothing stores UNA, Martin + Osa, BCBG and embarrassingly…Hollister. And no one is hiring. Maybe California is bankrupt because no one will hire them!

Life of an intern example of the week: Being on the phone for four hours with Expedia.com, United Airways and American Airlines re-booking my boss’s flight to Vegas because she got offered a ride there on a private jet.

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