How to prepare for finals

By Melissa Goldberg |

With finals approaching, students are preparing for all night study sessions and lack of sleep.

There are those who wait until the last minute. They try and crunch in a semester’s worth of reading the night before, while others study a few hours here and there the week prior.

“I study for the test a day before the test actually happens,” Brittany Hall, Flagler College sophomore, said. “I just study for a couple hours, and then I’m good. Before each test, I’ll review for like thirty minutes so it’s fresh in my mind.”

Some students have jobs or other activities they participate in. The stress adds up, and filling the body with caffeine and junk food takes a toll on students.

How can you deal with the stress?

Number one: prioritize

Class work, study time and projects. This can help a great deal for beginning finals week. Keep a planner for organizing, and schedule times to get everything accomplished.

Spend an a few hours a day studying in a quiet place, like the library. And most importantly, eat good food. Nutritious food will help the brain think best for studying.

“In preparation for finals week, there are a couple of things that I always do,” Christiana Oliver, Flagler junior, said. “First, I have a master to-do list and try to organize everything that I have to do in chronological order. Second, I try to stick to that list, and finally, if that doesn’t work I just try to make sure I get sleep so that I’m not completely neurotic for two weeks. I would definitely suggest resting up in favor of overdosing on caffeine.”

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