Flagler’s production of ‘Cry it Out’ teaches lessons on motherhood and friendship

“Cry it Out” director Christine Fogarty observes the action on stage while her stage manager Alicia Perez and assistant stage manager Megan Price keep watch of the scripts to ensure the actors say the correct lines."Cry it Out” director Christine Fogarty observes the action on stage while her stage manager Alicia Perez and assistant stage manager Megan Price keep watch of the scripts.

By Alexis Bensoussan

Plays about parenthood are few and far between.

Flagler College’s theatre department put on its spring play called “Cry it Out,” which aims to give its audience a unique theatre experience involving motherhood and friendship.  

“Cry it Out,” a play by Molly Smith Metzler, highlights the bonds formed between four parents— three moms and one dad—and how they are navigating their new lives. 

The show ran Feb. 22-26 in the Lewis Auditorium. 

Christine Fogarty, a visiting lecturer of the CORE and Theatre Arts departments at Flagler College, directed the show. She was given the opportunity to direct it by the theatre department chair, Leah Page.  

“[Leah Page] came to me with this play,” Fogarty said. “I was so grateful because to me, personally, I like smaller casts, I like relationship plays, I like plays that have heart. And this has that.” 

Jessie and Lina are the two main characters of the show, mothers who meet at the local Stop and Shop and continue meeting over coffee during their babies’ naptimes. 

“So, they kind of have a mom date in the morning while the babies are sleeping,” Fogarty said. 

Actors Cathryn Thames (Jessie) and Tracy Lukach (Lina) are rehearsing the first scene of “Cry it Out.” 

“Cry it Out” takes the stories of parents with different financial backgrounds and lived experiences and shows how parenthood brings them together, allowing them to live in the present. Fogarty has learned this message through her experience directing this show, and she thinks this is something the audience can garner from attending the performances. 

“Well, I think to really get back in touch with the importance of friendship and living in the present,” Fogarty said. “I think that’s the one thing that I’m trying to learn, to just slow down and be.” 

Jessie comes from a life of glamour as a corporate lawyer in New York City, whereas Lina works the night shift as a nurse. Mitchell and Adrienne are married, and they live in a mansion on the cliff behind Jessie’s house.

These parents are neighbors but each has something distinct about them that contrasts with one another.

The play celebrates these characters’ differences while they forge friendships over becoming new parents. 

Sarah Richardson (Adrienne), Tracy Lukach (Lina), Jaden Stewart (Mitchell) and Cathryn Thames (Jessie) are doing a warm-up on the stage before getting into gear for their rehearsal. This play is about four different characters who all share at least one similarity—they are parents. 

Fogarty is passionate about the messages that “Cry it Out” has to share with its audiences, especially how it resonates with her as a mother of three girls. 

“These times in life—especially with little ones—it’s fleeting,” Fogarty said. “But there are these incredible, joyful times and these moments with you and your child, that your heart just breaks open, and you don’t understand the capacity of being able to love so fully until you have a child.” 

One theme the play considers is different parenting methods. This method involves letting a child cry it out rather than finding ways to calm them down, such as holding them. Hence the name of the show. 

Jessie and Lina discuss this idea and even experience a bit of a tiff in the mix of it.  

“[Jessie’s] just trying to figure out: Is this the right approach? And it’s a question, and it kind of leaves the audience with that question as well,” Fogarty said. 

Audiences who came to the show were sat on the actual stage—as there were chairs on the sides and front of the stage—which allowed them to have a more personal connection to the action in front of them. They were able to witness this story take life and spread its messages of motherhood, friendship and identity. 

“It’s trying to balance these things out and find the most important thing, but not letting what’s truly important slip away,” Fogarty said. “I like the idea behind the theme, which is real, true connection; friendship.” 

The “Cry it Out” cast and crew working together to create their art. 

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