Flagler Lacrosse team’s first win in the books

By Matthew Pagels | gargoyle@flagler.edu

The Flagler College lacrosse team won its first game Saturday after beating Stetson University 10-6. This marks its first win since becoming an official club in March of 2012.

The team’s advisor and coach Wayne Riggs was pleased to see his team come out on top.

“I couldn’t be more proud of the players,” Riggs said. “These guys have worked their butts off.”

This is the team’s first full season with scheduled games.

“My expectations are that we will continue to grow as a team when it comes to both skill and the commitment of our players,” Riggs said. “This is something we talk about at every practice. Saturday’s victory is a testament that commitment and hard work pay off.”

The incremental build for the team is credited to junior Landon Clair. Clair, 21, is the captain of the club, leading the charge of 15 men onto the field.

“It’s glorious,” Clair said. “I’m so proud of my boys and how far we’ve come. We’ve been working so hard and now it’s finally paying off.”

Third-year student Nick Carey, 21, sees this win as a major accomplishment for the team and credits it to Clair.

“Landon has been a real leader to our team on and off the field,” Carey said.

This is only their second game of the season, but one word summarizes this win: recognition.

“I’m really hoping that the school sees us as a worth-while investment and tries to make it a school sport eventually,” Clair said.

As a first year club team, they face many more challenges than an established organization. Part of the challenge involves money, or lack thereof, but the team’s long-term goal is to build an organization that will help them in being classified as Division II of the MCLA (Men’s Collegiate Lacrosse Association).

“I hope it’s indicative that lacrosse will become a permanent sport at Flagler,” Riggs said.

For now, the goal is as simple as making a name for themselves.

“Our goal this year is to lay the foundation of a team,” Riggs said, “and hopefully that means a few victories. More importantly, though, our goal this year is to establish the commitment of the players and the spirit of the team.”

So what’s next for the lacrosse team?

“We’re going to Disney World!” Clair joked.

Photo by Nick Carey

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