Final words from the Church Of Music

By Rev. Travis Burdick

This shall be a final word from your good Reverend T and the Church of Music. I have been called upon and put here before you with the intention of washing away the sins of boredom, in hopes of guiding you toward the light that is the local music scene.

Okay…well, perhaps I am taking this Reverend thing a little too far now. However, being an unemployed graduating senior, and quite the entrepreneur, I had the divine idea of starting a mobile marriage service. Here is how it would work; most cabbies are notaries, so I was thinking, I could simply ride around town in a cab advertising myself as, The Reverend T. Cupid: Marriage on the Go.

Of course I will be dressed as the King himself, Elvis (the young years), as well as pipe those classic Sun Record tunes out of a speaker horn attached to the side of the cab. Perhaps I could even exploit the situation more by riding around every other day with a lawyer friend of mine advertising The Reverend T Cupid: Annulments on the Go. I could even get local musicians involved with this idea. We could rent out busses, put the local band of the bride and groom’s choice on board, and now we have The Reverend T Cupid: Wedding Reception on the Go. I can see the riches pouring in now, any possible investors should send me an E-mail…we’ll do lunch.

Anyway, until that day comes I think I will just continue blowing my own investment money on records and concerts. If you missed George Clinton and the P-Funk this weekend hopefully you showed your support for the local show which took place on Flagler’s very own West Lawn this past Saturday. Why can’t they do great stuff like that on campus more often?

Any of you who enjoyed themselves should push for more events like this next year. I would, but…I’m finally graduating, so… no power here. It’s up to the rest of you to keep the local scene alive and breathing now. Don’t forget to help out the incoming freshman next year by introducing them to some of your favorite local bands. If any of you incoming freshman or transfers find yourself reading this article after picking it up while waiting to talk to registration, here are three simple tips. Read the Folioweekly, listen to WFCF 88.5, and search bands for the local area on MySpace. That will at least get you started.

Now, for those of you current students who will be here next year, I hereby ordain all of you as Ministers in the Church of Music. That is as long as you abide by the two simple doctrines; support your local music scene, and help out those incoming students next year who have not a clue of what they have gotten themselves into. So please, go bare witness and spread the word fellow Reverends.

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