Cruisin’ with the Ladies

As you read this, I’m on my way to Ft. Lauderdale to head out on the first (hopefully annual) Barenaked Ladies Ships & Dip Cruise. (I don’t know who came up with that title, but it is wonderfully random.)

Yes, the band I can’t quit talking about somehow forgot to put out a restraining order against me and I’ll be in an enclosed space with them for five days. Heaven help us all.

Actually, as fanatic as I am, I can’t bring myself to disturb them when they’re not “working.” I have always claimed that if I ever saw them in a public place I would not run up to them like some crazed fan. They are not “working.” It’s not the same as a concert.

For example, I saw them perform in Orlando in November and happened to see both Steven Page and Ed Robertson (pictured) walking into the Islands of Adventure theme park a couple of hours before the show.

A couple of things happened in this instance. One, I internally freaked. My heart jumped into my throat. I fought the urge to scream out, “Ed! Steve! I’m over here!” But because I respect their privacy, I just turned to my friends and quietly said, “Look it’s Steve and Ed.” Calm as you please. I really amazed myself.

It’s not that I’m scared to talk to them. I’ve met them more than once and they are really nice guys, but I like to follow the Golden Rule and I truly wouldn’t want to be accosted by students on a Saturday afternoon about school-related issues. So, I really don’t want to be THAT fan.

That said, what is the etiquette for this cruise? I mean technically they’re working the whole week, right? But there are 2,000 other fans on this ship. If every fan refuses to leave them alone, they’ll never get a moment’s rest. That’s not cool.

But the whole point of this cruise is so I can have a really amazing experience and say I was there. Part of that for me means maybe saying “hey” or bumping into one of them by the pool.

I’ll just have to keep my stalking tendencies at bay. Sigh. Plus, if I can avoid being arrested for violating a restraining order, I should have some really awesome pictures and/or video to share next week. 😉

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