Country roads and a love for country music

By Colleen Drew |

Photo By Phillip C. Sunkel IV

Many individuals are embarrassed to tell people that they listen to country music; I used to be one of them. Being from New York it wasn’t the coolest thing to listen to or a great way to make friends. As soon as you tell people, they assume it is hillbilly country and you are a redneck.

At home there was one country station and it was aired out of Connecticut; obviously country isn’t too popular by me. When I was with my friends we would always listen to the popular radio stations, which played rap and pop music.  When listening, I couldn’t understand what the rappers were saying and even if it did come out clear I didn’t know what half of it meant.

Lil’ Wayne would come on and if I could make out 10 words out of the whole song it was a success. Without modern technology most of these artists would be nothing. Once I traveled south, I was no longer embarrassed for my hidden love of country music and can blast it on the radio without the dirty looks.

In the month of September, the St. Augustine Amphitheatre has hosted top country artists such as Toby Keith and Lady Antebellum and David Nail. They have won numerous awards and still continue to be nominated. I was fortunate enough to attend the sold out Lady Antebellum concert at the amphitheatre and it was amazing.

The orchestra pit was jammed packed and there was not an empty seat to be found in the stands. Men and women of all ages had come together to enjoy music that has a real meaning to it.  Country music is something that families can listen too and parents don’t have to be worried about the message it is sending to their kids. Today the radio is filled with songs about drinking, drugs and killing one another. Country songs tell a story that people can relate to, and there is meaning in the lyrics.

Andrew Ricker, a junior at Flagler enjoys listening to country music. “Country music is easier for me as a working class citizen to relate to the struggles and hardships, but also the good times of an average American,” Ricker said. “Country music has more meaning and thought to it than pop or rap.”

Dean Vergara has his own opinion on country music: “I don’t like country music because they sing about the same things like tractors and pick up trucks.” Chris Tangliavi, a junior, said, “It sounds like they are wining. It’s too twangy.”

Many think that the lyrics are too simple and they only sing about farming and drinking beer. But to many that’s why they like it. There is no wondering what the artist really means. It is music that the whole family can listen to and it has a positive message.

Darius Rucker, former singer of the band Hootie & the Blowfish, now a top country star, will be performing at the amphitheatre later this month. St. Augustine Amphitheatre has done a fantastic job at bring big country stars to a small venue and hopefully they will continue.

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