Check out this year’s Gargoyle awards gallery

The Gargoyle staff won 10 awards this past year for everything from features on homelessness to news stories about bullying to opinion touching on veterans issues. In fact, in one year the online newspaper won more awards than it has in its entire history.

Take a look at some of the award winning stories below:

Florida College Press Association 2011 Awards
Best News Story – Second Place: Cal Colgan, Homeless count finds lackluster living conditions
Best Feature Story – Third Place: Cal Colgan, Former Flagler student talks about Marine life in Afghanistan

College Media Advisers 2011 Apple Awards
Website — Third place: Gargoyle site
Commentary — Third place: Cal Colgan – War creates violent behavior in our veterans

Society of Professional Journalists 2010 Region 3 Mark of Excellence Awards
Best Independent Online Student Publication — Second place: Gargoyle site.
Online Opinion and Commentary — First place: Cal Colgan
Democracy doesn’t end at the ballot box
War creates violent behavior in our veterans
New health care bill is victory for corporate power

Online Feature Reporting – First place: Jill Houser, St. Augustine Couple Finds Love, Chaos with International Adoption
Online Feature Reporting – Second place: Caroline Young, Doc says fad diets may be more harmful than healthy
Online Feature Reporting – Third place: Cal Colgan, Former Flagler student talks about Marine life in Afghanistan
Online News Reporting – Third place: Ryan Buffa and Kristin McIntosh, Rutgers suicide reveals consequences of bullying and discrimination

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