
Who, What, Why: North Korea and Trump

By Joseph McCann | gargoyle@flagler.edu My mother is a high school history teacher and always talked about the historical origins of the issues we have today. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, so I’ll be doing exactly that which my childhood-self detested. We see North Korea portrayed in…

Who What Why: Iran Nuclear Deal

By Joseph McCann | gargoyle@flagler.edu On Friday, October 13, Donald Trump decided to decertify the Iran Nuclear Deal. Sigh. The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or the Iran Nuclear Deal, is a 2015 agreement from President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry that limits the Iranian ability to make nuclear bombs, in return for the…

To the ones who say, “He’s not my president.”

By Katherine Hamilton | gargoyle@flagler.edu I’ve heard a great deal of hullabaloo about how Donald Trump doesn’t represent the values our country wants to portray. After the election, the in-unison out cry of “He’s not my president!” streamed all over Twitter, Facebook and my college campus. Many…

Stepping into the Sun

By Katherine Stairs | gargoyle@flagler.edu I couldn’t remember anything after waking up in a hospital room, trapped in a screen bed. From what my parents told me, I couldn’t take care of myself either. I was like a toddler learning for the first time what…

Life is precious: My sister’s story

By Jared Talbot | gargoyle@flagler.edu It all started with a call, which changed the course of my summer as well as my life. At 12:30 a.m. on July 9 I got a call from my sister’s boyfriend Tyler. He told me that there had been…

Hurricane Matthew: Looking back on a blessing in disguise

By Liz Browning | gargoyle@flagler.edu At four years old, my father passed away in a car accident, leaving my mom to raise me and my sister, who was just seven years old. We were able to overcome this tragic incident because we had unconditional love…

Six tips for the creative writer

By Katherine Stairs | gargoyle@flagler.edu All throughout my high school years, I was in creative writing. These classes were the best out my entire schedule, but it did have its downfalls.  So here are six tips I wish I knew while I was in Creative…

Why I’m graduating early

  By Tiffany Coelho | gargoyle@flagler.edu It was only recently I realized this will be my final year as an undergraduate student here at Flagler College. It feels impossible that this coming April, I will be graduating college in only three years. My impending graduation…

Planes, trains, and automobiles: A Colombian adventure

By Jordan Puyear | gargoyle@flagler.edu As I stepped off the plane, I felt the cool Colombian breeze throughout the open airport. I walked around the crowd of other passengers, locals and tourists alike, and finally found my best friend. I couldn’t help but run into…