
Counseling services on college campuses: are they doing enough?

By Erica Deditch| gargoyle@flagler.edu I’ve struggled with depression and anxiety for most of my life. It makes me terrified of everything. I mean, literally everything – talking to people, leaving my house, going out. Everything. Going to college didn’t help. For me personally, college only made it…

It’s 2019, and we still don’t have male birth control

By Katherine Hamilton | gargoyle@flagler.edu You’ve been fooling around for awhile and things are heating up. The next step naturally is doing ‘it,’ but he isn’t showing any signs of slowing down. You think to yourself, “When is he going to reach for the condoms,” but he never…

“To the women in the class…”

By Katherine Hamilton | gargoyle@flagler.edu I never have been much for math or science. Not that the subjects don’t matter – because of course they do in the grand scheme of things. But personally, the arts have always had more of a seductive draw: a…

Climate Change: More than “snowflakes” will melt

By Barbaraliz Ortiz | gargoyle@flagler.edu “Brutal and Extended Cold Blast could shatter ALL RECORDS – Whatever happened to Global Warming?,” President Donald Trump tweeted out on Nov. 21, 2018. The answer to his question is a simple one: nothing has “happened” to global warming. The…

Diversity on campus: a long way to go

By Bryson Meadows | gargoyle@flagler.edu Walking onto the Flagler College campus on Aug. 25 for move-in day was much more of a culture shock than I expected. Growing up in Central Florida, there was no shortage of skin tones, ethnicities, or cultures. However, the same…

Captive for a cause

By Barbaraliz Ortiz | gargoyle@flagler.edu There is something uncanny about staring into the eyes of a 15-foot, 1,200-pound beast – which is what some perceive him to be – knowing that behind his fenced enclosure, he is powerless to hurt you. Such is the sentiment …