

Dear editor,

I would like to add my praise to all the great things already said about Flagler College’s impressive new vegetarian station (“New Leaf: Eco-Friendly Dining Hall,” 19 February). It’s a smart decision when you consider that a survey by Aramark, a leading food-service provider, concluded that nearly a quarter of college students are actively seeking out vegan options when they sit down to eat, for reasons ranging from their own health to environmental concerns—and of course, because of animal suffering.

New Leaf: Eco-friendly dining hall

By Lauren Belcher | CBelcher@flagler.edu
Illustration by Charis Harper

Around mid-January, I got an e-mail about the dining hall introducing a new vegetarian station.

I was excited that the college would make such a big transition, so I decided to check it out. Now, I am an employee of ARAMARK, but I work at Bugg’s Bistro, not the dining hall. I have no prior knowledge of what they do over there, other than my time as a freshman when I lived on campus.

Let them serve

By Lauren Belcher | CBelcher@flagler.edu

In the ’40s, African Americans could not fight in the United States Armed forces. In the ’60s, women could not fight in the US Armed Forces.

Both of these military policies were removed due to social changes in society. Now, it’s time for another change: the ban on homosexuals serving openly in the US Armed Forces.

Disabled students are invisible to able-bodied students

By Michael Isam | gargoyle@flagler.edu

I was once like you. I could run, jump, dodge, walk backward when necessary, and in general get from place to place in a hurry if required. I lettered in football, basketball, track, volleyball, and softball. I played hardball from the second grade through American Legion. As you will learn, and you will learn it, our bodies change. And those changes are not always for the best. In some sports, athletes are over the hill at 34 and even earlier in other sports.

Colleges downplay GPA importance

By Katy Bass | gargoyle@flagler.edu

Watch out college students: that dreaded word “GPA” will haunt you even after high school.

Now, I don’t know what the rest of college students were told within their first two years at a college, but for me, I remember very distinctly that my cumulative college GPA would matter to potential employers as much as what my degree was and where I attended.

Flagler administration needs wake-up call

By Matthew Boyle | mboyle@flagler.edu

It’s 6:16 on a Monday night and Chuck Riffenburg is talking on his cell phone on the front steps of the Proctor Library again.

Unlike other students, though, Riffenburg is talking business. Even though he finally got the Flagler College administration to approve his Hunger Initiative project, he still has to do all the legwork.

New Leaf: Vegetarian and vegan fast food options

By Lauren Belcher | cbelcher@flagler.edu

Once you make the decision to become vegetarian or vegan, you typically have to eliminate fast food from your diet. But, you don’t have to.

The fast-food chains are finally catching up to the times and providing more options. So whether you are a full-blown vegan, a softhearted vegetarian, a person who wants to reduce their meat intake or anything in between, you now have options. If the vegan or vegetarian lifestyle is not an option, you can at least reduce the amount of meat you consume.

New Leaf: Economize your printing

Lauren Belcher | CBelcher@flagler.edu


At Flagler College we get 500 pages per semester worth of printing in the library. Why not make the most out of your pages?

North American academics are among the highest paper wasters in the world, according to e-green tips from Tri-County Community College Library. “If academics in China used as much paper as we do in North America, the world’s rainforest supply would be depleted within a year.”