
My very own Civil War

By Caroline Young | cyoung1@flagler.edu

The whole saga started on a chilly winter day in Short Hills, New Jersey, a charming and somewhat-snooty town nestled between the hundreds of suburbs of Metropolitan New York. I was in seventh grade, a time that not many girls would probably ever want to relive- at least I sure as hell don’t.

War creates violent behavior in our veterans

By Cal Colgan | jcolgan@flagler.edu

My cousin – let’s call him “Bill” – is a piece of garbage. It’s hard to be the “black sheep” in a family of eccentrics, but Bill accomplished that feat. After years of drug abuse and a caustic marriage with his high school sweetheart that ended in divorce, Bill left his ex-wife and children and signed up for the Army National Guard.

He thought going to Iraq would transform him into a decent human being, but he ended up in Fallujah in 2007, when it was largely held by the Iraqi insurgency.

Why gun bans just won’t work

By Phillip C. Sunkel IV | gargoyle@flagler.edu

Picture yourself lying awake in bed one night. You hear a strange noise inside your home, so you go to inspect. What you find is a pill crazed maniac who broke in to steal your parents Meds. This situation is exactly what my two friends Paris and Austin Hornsby found themselves in.

The redhead got away

She asked me if I understood the problem. I told her no, I don’t understand. My eyes locked on hers and my heart wavering, I continued to lie.

Smokers: This is your warning

By Victoria Hardina | gargoyle@flagler.edu

I am not an aggressive person. I rarely raise my voice, and when I do, it is usually out of excitement, not anger. There is one thing that will light me on fire, though … smokers.

With the music blaring and windows down, I was speeding along I-4 last Sunday afternoon. I was in very high spirits after spending the weekend with my family. Weaving through traffic, my eye caught a blue minivan.