
Disheartened by TV sex craze

By Victoria Hardina | gargoyle@flagler.edu

Turning to my left I am shocked to see two girls sloppily making out on a bed. One suddenly gets up, walks over to an overly tanned guy, straddles him and then attempts to give him a lap dance.

Ah, “Jersey Shore.” Turning back to the TV attached to my own treadmill, I flip through the channels looking for something a little less…primitive.

‘The brown doesn’t rub off’

By Courtney Reynolds | gargoyle@flagler.edu

Since I started attending Flagler College last fall semester, as a transfer student from the University of South Carolina, I have became accustomed to the stares that I receive from the locals as well as the students. The stares approach me as though, if people stare at me hard enough, maybe the color of my skin will “melt away” under their radiating glares and reveal something totally different.

New Leaf: Eco-friendly gift ideas

By Lindy Almony | gargoyle@flagler.edu

With the holidays approaching, it is time to begin purchasing gifts for family and friends. I encourage you this season to break away from your typical Target purchases and strive to make environmentally-friendly gift purchases. When you add in transportation, paper and packaging waste it increases our holiday environmental impact; so let’s counteract this by making our gifts environmentally conscious and friendly!

New Leaf: What to eat that is not meat

By Lindy Almony | gargoyle@flagler.edu

I am here to answer the first question every carnivore asks when talking to a vegetarian. “No meat? Well then what do you eat?”

As a vegetarian, it is my responsibility to take proper care of my body and still provide it with all the nutrients needed. It took me years before I learned how to properly supplement my diet. Now that I have learned to do so, the answer to that question comes quite easy. I eat everything!

College had its highs and lows

By Christine Valentine | gargoyle@flagler.edu

I am graduating this December. After almost 20 years of homework and tests, it will all be over. Just like that. Just over four years in college and I will be walking away from campus for the last time on December 11, 2010. Honestly, I never imagined this day would actually come. Especially when you take into consideration what a terrible student I was as a college freshman. I mean, I was a good student. I didn’t talk in class and I paid attention, or at least pretended too. But, I never studied. I would come home and take a nap or waste time watching TV or playing Peggle.

Time to cut the rope on leashes for children

By J.P. Bouillerce | gargoyle@flagler.edu

Remember when the words “look both ways before crossing the street” was absolutely drilled into your head at around age 4? There would never be a car coming whenever you looked. But then there will be that one time when you saw the ice cream man across the street and you went into hyper mode and as you were about to run across the street a Ford F350 almost ends your still young life.

Don’t look at my transcript

By Lauren Belcher | cbelcher@flagler.edu

I’ll admit it: I should have tried harder in my college classes. But, should the nine Cs that I accumulated in six semesters of college really play a role in my obtaining a job? Do they accurately reflect my abilities to perform in society? No. They do not.

New Leaf: Leading by example

Efforts made by NY colleges help city go green
By Lindy Almony | gargoyle@flagler.edu
Art by Victoria Van Arnam

I have been visiting Ithaca, NY for the past two years, and feel very inspired by the environmental efforts made by the city. The wholehearted attempts at awareness has helped Ithaca greatly reduce its environmental footprint and created a town full of environmentally-conscience residents.

New Leaf: The importance of composting

By Lindy Almony | gargoyle@flagler.edu

Composting: I have always know it is a valuable system, but I did not know exactly how it works and how beneficial it can be. I possessed some knowledge – put a pile of leaves and other organic materials in a bin, and it will eventually decompose – but I wanted to learn more.