
Nintendo: New consoles, recycled concepts

By Heather Seidel | gargoyle@flagler.edu There was one burden that plagued me as I walked the halls of Discovery Elementary School. One lingering thought that followed me to the playground up until I climbed into my mother’s 1993 Pontiac Trans Port after school. How will…

Why we still need feminism

“So are you like, a feminist or something?” The question hangs in the air, opinions forming as I hesitate to answer. I can’t exactly pinpoint when feminism became a dirty word, but today’s connotation is fueled by misconceptions and lack of education.

The power of a screaming silence

Quiet warrior. Silent threat. A couple of names I’ve been called with so much meaning behind them. So, why try to pull me out of my element and further punish me if I refuse to conform?

Reaction to Michael Sam reveals media hypocrisy

As an avid football fan, I was surprised to see the media’s reaction to the first openly gay player, Michael Sam. Honestly, I didn’t think it deserved that much attention. Last time I checked, most football fans don’t care about the love life of the players.

The Unaffordable Don’t Care Act

The media is packed with information on the new healthcare bill, commonly known as ObamaCare. Despite the complexity of the law, new statistics are coming out suggesting that millennials are actually not signing up.

Diary of a self-proclaimed doormat

I was raised in a house where no matter who the adult was, no matter what you thought of them, they were still your superior and were to be respected. To some of the people on my swim team, the fact that I so blindly did whatever my coach asked me to do was seen as a form of brown-nosing, and I was doomed the moment he made me a captain.

A Taco Too Far: How Four Days of Taco Bell Made Me Feel

It was a simple goal. All I had to do was eat nothing but Taco Bell for an entire week. The final objective would be to race the 1500 at the University of Tampa at the end of the week and see how my time and place compared to the past week’s race and regular diet.