
The college experience as a married student

By Roxanne Steward | gargoyle@flagler.edu I started out this article wanting to write about the idea of “the college experience.” I’m not sure what I thought I would find, but I assumed, wrongly so, that we all entered into college expecting a thriving social life. I…

Top 5 motivational study spots for the chronic procrastinator

By Katherine Hamilton | gargoyle@flagler.edu Few things measure up to the amount of dread that fills my entire being when I hear that I must spend my free-time studying. Annoyance, procrastination, anxiety: the cycle repeats rhythmically, drumming like Chinese water torture, driving me mad. When I…

We marched, now what?

By Tiffany Coelho | gargoyle@flagler.edu After the U.S. Presidential Election in November, millions felt like America’s democracy had failed them. I, like many others, took Hillary Clinton’s loss as a true obstruction of the freedom, feminism and the overall progression of human rights that the…

Reasons why you just need to do yoga

  By Roxanne Steward | gargoyle@flagler.edu For some, starting yoga can be intimidating. I started doing yoga when I was 16 and have quit a few times between then and now because of my own intimidation. I came back to it over and over again, though,…

The uncertain future of abortion

By Gabrielle Garay | gargoyle@flagler.edu Paige Armstrong flips through her phone and scrolls through a seemingly-endless amount of photos. They show her flanked by other Flagler students proudly holding up signs and marching through the streets of Washington, D.C., joining the thousands of others who traveled…

Why I’m happy to be financially independent

By Jared Talbot | gargoyle@flagler.edu Every college student has a different financial situation. There are the students who don’t even think about money. They have wealthy families with enough money to send them off to college with. Money isn’t even a stress on their mind….

Islamophobia on the rise in America

By Jared Olson | gargoyle@flagler.edu For the family of junior Yasmeen Anis, 9/11 was a day when the entire world seemed to pause. As with most American families, they knew the day the 19 Muslim extremists crashed two jumbo jets into the World Trade Center would irrevocably…