On Campus

Flagler student becomes pop singer

By Lawrence Griffin | gargoyle@flagler.edu

Flagler alum Paige Marie Garrity, 19, is living her childhood dream as a rising pop star, preparing to release her debut mix-tape next January.

“I knew from a very young age that performing was what I wanted to do…When my friends would come over, we would get all dressed up and put on shows at my parents’ dinner parties,” Garrity said. “I wasn’t a shy kid, I loved being the center of attention when it came to the ‘spotlight.’ I would choreograph routines to Britney Spears, N’Sync and Christina Aguilera and beg for my friends to perform them with me, even when they didn’t want to.”

Press Release: Flagler Creates!

Flagler College will host the inaugural Flagler Creates! handmade festival on Saturday, November 20 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the Flagler College West Lawn.

Many Flagler students say Rutgers suicide reveals consequences of bullying and discrimination

By Ryan Buffa and Kristin McIntosh | gargoyle@flagler.edu

The recent suicide of a Rutgers University student opened the eyes of Flagler College students and spread conversations around the country. To raise awareness about the dangers of cyber bullying and the ongoing discrimination of homosexuals, many Flagler College students showed support by wearing purple on Oct. 20.

Club Unity of Flagler College chose to join in a nationwide movement called “Sprit Day” where supporters of LGBT rights could wear purple to show their support.

Scholar spreads understanding of world hunger

By Tiffanie Reynolds | gargoyle@flagler.edu

Dr. Don Winkelmann doesn’t have the answer to world hunger, but his work has definitely brought the world closer to one.

In his presentation to students and faculty last Wednesday, he presents the issue of world hunger from an agricultural standpoint, one which he has worked on for the past thirty years.

A new use for social networking

By Colleen Drew | gargoyle@flagler.edu

Flagler College offers a social media class that informs students how social networking can be used to create a brand for yourself and the company you represent.

Carolyn Adams, a communication major with a track in public relations, uses social media to her advantage.

St. Augustine 101

5 Things To Know as a College Student
Compiled by Phillip C. Sunkel IV | psunkel@flagler.edu
Photos by Phillip C. Sunkel IV

Most people who come to Flagler College have been to the school maybe once or twice before they attend classes in St. Augustine.

This leaves many incoming freshmen and transfer students with a lot of unanswered questions.