
Boys and Girls Club find more than animals at Alligator Farm

By Tiffanie Reynolds |

On Feb. 11, the Boys and Girls Club of St. Augustine worked with Flagler College Society of Professional Journalists for their annual Mission: Media event.

Mission: Media gives children of the Boys and Girls club a hands-on experience of a day in the life of a reporter, with the guidance of members from Flagler College Society of Professional Journalists. This year, the club went to the St. Augustine Alligator Farm, where everyone picked an animal as the subject of their newspaper article. Below are the completely pieces, categorized under the animal written about.

Is your house making you sick?

Aside from the occasional asthma, Flagler student Corey Christian, 22, is in perfectly good health. So it came as a surprise when he found it harder and harder to breathe, even in his own home.

“When I was just laying in my bed and I’d have the window open and like a fan on me, just trying to get some air and I was out of breath” he said “I couldn’t stop coughing, I would actually vomit from how much I was coughing.”

Revamping communications: new academic building to replace communication facility

By Tiffanie Reynolds |

The corner of Cordova and Cuna will be getting a new look, but it will not only be for communication students.

Plans to demolish 31 Cordova, the current communications building, which is beside The Floridian restaurant, are already in motion, with a new two-story academic building replacing it. Still in the conceptual stages of planning, the vision for the academic building includes 12 classrooms, several faculty offices, a studio Mac lab and a screening room that will seat 108. The cost is estimated to be $5.5 million.

Komen and Planned Parenthood controversy brings local branches together

By Ryan Buffa |

After two of the largest advocates of women’s healthcare, the Susan G. Komen Foundation and Planned Parenthood, made amends after a potentially harmful decision, local branches believe it is an opportunity to strengthen relationships and refocus on important issues facing women’s healthcare.

“The experience of this week is going to renew and strengthen relationships on a local level,” North Florida Planned Parenthood CEO Staci Fox said. “It’s going to open up a new avenue for us to work together…”

With the surge of pressure from lawmakers and internal opposition, the world’s largest breast cancer organization, the Susan G. Komen Foundation, reversed a controversial decision on Friday that would have pulled funding from numerous Planned Parenthood projects.

American Elects visit may show future involvement from young people in politics

By Frank Mahoney |

Flagler College was host to a new type of political movement on Jan. 27. The Americans Elect East Coast Bus Tour parked its bus on Sevilla Street and informed students of a new way that people can get involved in politics.

“Americans Elect is the nation’s first ever nonpartisan direct presidential nominating process,” David Arreola, the South East Regional Director for the Americans Elect College Team and the Campus Leader for Flagler College, said.

Students on the virtual battlefield

By Tiffanie Reynolds |

When Reddit and Wikipedia blacked out in protest of SOPA and PIPA earlier this month, James Phillips decided to black-out too.

The freshman political science major changed his Facebook profile picture to completely black with the words, “This has been removed in violation of SOPA,” and he blacked out the pages that he moderates on Reddit, which is part of a larger network. Several of his friends also protested, using the same completely black image as their profile picture.