
Vet finds strength in numbers at college

By Tiffanie Reynolds |

Sitting in class, Adam Bagby watches a video about counterterrorism and Iraq projected at the front of the room. He hears gunshots and suddenly he’s there, following wires up the stairs of an abandoned building to a box at the top. Gently removing rubble around it, he finds that it is packed with C-4 explosives.

Students to vote on poorly publicized election

By Joshua Santos | Elections for Student Government Association are being held tomorrow.  The Political Guild, in conjunction with the Election Board and SGA, held an open forum today in Jay’s Lounge for students to come and ask candidates questions dealing with campus concerns…

A&E Brief: WFCF on iHeart Radio

By Rebecca Snowdale | Flagler College radio station WFCF 88.5 FM began streaming online last month via iHeartRadio, a Clear Channel Radio network, which gives access to live, local radio stations around the nation. Recently, WFCF was voted by the Princeton Review to be…

Gargoyle wins best independent web site at SPJ regional conference

The Gargoyle took first place for best independent online publication at the Society of Professional Journalists’ Mark of Excellence Region 3 awards. The online paper took a total of five awards, including two more first places for Editor Michael Newberger in online opinion writing and Sports Editor Mari Pothier in online sports reporting.

This is the second year the online-only publication took first in online opinion. Last year the Gargoyle took second place in best independent online publication.

Homeless center to be built on 207

By Marissa Marinan |

Home Again St. Johns Inc., a group that works to assist those without homes, is hoping to change the way St. Johns County and the city of St. Augustine deals with homelessness.

Homeless individuals are found sleeping on the sea wall at night, sitting on St. George Street and seeking shelter in the woods.

“[St. Johns County] has records that there are anywhere from 500-800 homeless people in the county including women, children and veterans,” City of St. Augustine Vice Mayor Leanna Freeman said.

But Home Again St. Johns hopes to change those numbers by providing shelter to those in need.

President Clinton stops traffic to greet students

Photo by Joshua Santos | Former President Bill Clinton, along with a parade of security, stopped traffic along Cordova Street in front of the Communication Building on Tuesday. Clinton shook hands and posed for pictures with Dr. Tracy Halcomb’s Television Production class. Clinton was…

2012 Wanee Music Festival Preview

By Phil Sunkel|  This years Wanee Music Festival will be held from April 19-21 at the Spirit of the Suwannee Music Park in Live Oak, Fla. The lineup for wanee features The Allman Brothers Band, Further, Tedeschi Trucks Band, Gov’t Mule, Buddy Guy, Mickey…

Intelligent women more attractive say surveys, local men

By Alex Galbraith |

Ladies, if you’re looking to snag a mate forget about the cookbooks and pick up a textbook.

The idea that an educated woman has a hard time finding a potential life-partner, that men will find her intelligence threatening, is no more according to recent sociological surveys.

In fact, intelligence has risen to the 4th most-desirable trait that a man looks for while scoping out a spouse, according to a 2008 survey by sociologist Christine Whelan of the University of Pittsburgh.

And local men couldn’t agree more.