
Cain and Bachmann speak at Tea Party event before Convention start

By Joshua Santos |

Editor’s Note: The Gargoyle’s Josh Santos is in Tampa covering the Republican National Convention.

With Tropical Storm Isaac delaying the start of the Republican National Convention, hundreds of supporters and Tea Party members gathered on Sunday evening in The River at Tampa Bay Church to hear former GOP presidential hopefuls speak.

All work and low pay brings protesters to Tampa Bay

By Joshua Santos |
Photo by Joshua Santos

Editor’s Note: The Gargoyle’s Josh Santos is in Tampa covering the Republican National Convention.

Hundreds of protesters from all over the country gathered in Lykes Gaslight Park in Tampa’s downtown district Sunday afternoon. Many came in buses, others found out via Facebook and Twitter, and some just happened to be walking by on a cloudy Sunday afternoon. Yet the majority of the people agreed they were tired of working (in many cases multiple jobs) for little pay.

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Racism in St. Augustine: not just a thing of the past

By Zach Gray |

St. Augustine’s reputation as a sleepy tourist town has rarely been questioned.

Trolleys roll by with a calm and tranquility, telling stories of how Henry Flagler and his lucrative railroad industry spearheaded the community’s economic growth.
During the era of Jim Crow, things weren’t much different. A hushed little fishing town, hugging the beautiful Florida coastline, was a serene paradise.

Flagler hands out diplomas to largest graduating class

Flagler College gave diplomas to 386 students on Saturday, April 21, at the spring commencement ceremony. This was the largest graduating class in the history of the college, and also marked the first time the ceremony was held at the St. Augustine Amphitheatre instead of the Flagler Gym.