
Together again: Colombian refugees resettle in Jacksonville

The airport environment has always been a thrill: people coming and going, mixed languages, smells, busyness and along with it, the mystery of unknown destinations.

It is Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2012, as I arrive at the Jacksonville International Airport.

I had walked through this long corridor many times before; the lights have the same brightness, fixated on the swarms of moving bodies. Yet, something is different on this evening. I have no bags in hand, just a camera and three lenses.

St. Augustine’s Wildlife Refuge

By Kristin Kownacky |

Low growls escaped her as she paced back and forth, only yards away. Her claws crunched the leaves on the ground beneath, and her dark eyes were locked on mine. She was not big, but she looked stronger and faster than me. I was quite thankful for the chain-link fence that separated me from this wild animal.

Skyfall: Movie Review

By Scott Harrison |

“Take the shot!” “Take the shot!” The character M (Judi Dench) orders Eve (Naomie Harris) as she peers through the scope pointed between James Bond and the enemy as they wrestle for their lives on top of a speeding train.

Helen Whitney: A Life in Film

By Alexa Epitropoulos |

Helen Whitney’s sojourn to document spirituality has led her through the United States, Europe and beyond.

It has also led her to Flagler College, where she recently delivered a four-part speech that discussed her life through the prism of the films she has written, produced and directed.

While her spiritual journey began as a search for answers to her own “existential questions,” she has, in the process, addressed many questions that people of all different religions haven’t been able to answer.

Flagler College feels Sandy’s wrath

By Kristin Kownacky |

While Flagler College had anticipated Hurricane Sandy’s wrath with bated breaths, there was nothing so great as that sigh of relief as she passed St. Augustine. Yet, seeing that Flagler is home to many students hailing from the Northeast, when Sandy dodged Florida, the storm headed straight for student’s families and friends.