
St. Augustine resident teaches two generations

By Jessie Box |

Caroline Wolff, 78, believes she was put on earth to fight for the unborn.

Caroline Wolff and her husband, Al Wolff, had been looking for a quiet life in 1981 when they decided to move to St. Augustine. After eight months working at Leonard’s Studio, Wolff heard about a battered teenage mother while at work.

Dining hall’s portions are not one size fits all

By Jessie Box | Height and build can be the determining factor of portion size in the dining hall. According to Tim Bucolo, Flagler College food service director, the dining hall is trying to prevent food waste by giving students a single serving and…

Refugees share stories of survival

“You have to eat another human being to survive. It’s sad. I don’t like to talk about it…we fled for our lives just to have life,” Nhial Kou shared with Flagler College students on Oct. 18, on Refugee Awareness Day.

Kou, along with three other refugees, visited the college and shared their unique stories of survival.  They are part of a select group. Only 1% of the world’s refugees have a chance to relocate, according to World Relief Jacksonville.

Debate Continues Over true intentions of reducing beach police

By Sarah Worthington | Sixteen officers will lose their jobs in January as part of the restructuring plan for the St. Augustine Beach Police Department. The choice to alter the department was voted on earlier this summer by the City Commission, with the support…