Growing home brewing trend comes to St. Augustine
The increasing popularity of home brewing and craft beer has reached St. Augustine.
The increasing popularity of home brewing and craft beer has reached St. Augustine.
St. Augustine and some of its residents can prove to be very quirky and interesting people. Ancient City Stories is a new series first aired early this October produced by Flagler students and alumni that seeks to shed light on notable St.Augustine locals. The show has been picked up by CW-17 in Jacksonville and airs once a week on Sundays at 6 pm.
With the country still reeling from the economic recession, recent high school graduates are not the only ones looking for a degree from higher education.
For Alexandra Evans graduating from Flagler College meant celebrating with friends and family and reflecting on the past four years — it also meant dealing with $39,000 in student loans.
In the state of Florida, homeless struggle to obtain IDs, Social Security cards.
On October 14, people allied with indigenous rights gathered in St Augustine, Fla. from all across the state to contest the representation of cultural history that has taken place in the area.
After six years of hosting the highly anticipated “Winter Wonderland”, the St. Augustine Amphitheatre is taking a break from the ice rink. Instead, there will be a series of free events hitting the stage.
Each year the residents of St. Augustine celebrate their town’s birthday, dating back to 1565, when Pedro Menedenez de Aviles landed in Florida.
As the nation enters the second week of the government shutdown, Republicans and Democrats show no signs of coming to a compromise.
Margaret Peilemeier has a one-year-old great-granddaughter who she has only seen through pictures.