
Urgent mission: A new science building

By Brianna Kurzynowski | Fundraising for a new science building at Flagler College should be a top priority, according to the college’s 2016-2021 strategic plan. Such a building would make the college more attractive to students interested in so-called STEM fields, which science, technology,…

Gargoyle wins 5 SPJ awards

The Gargoyle, Flagler College’s online-only student newspaper, won five awards in the Society of Professional Journalists Region 3 Mark of Excellence awards. The publication won the “Best Digital-Only Student Publication” and “Best Independent Online Student Publication” awards, and will advance in those categories to SPJ’s…

‘Is This Vegan?’: Hipster to Healthy

Veganism has a reputation for producing groans and eye-rolls when it’s brought up, probably much like your reaction to the title of this article, but the vegan lifestyle is getting more and more attention and not just from obnoxious people trying to convert you: but…

Pantene Beautiful Lengths: The gift of hair

By Liz Browning | Many of us take our hair for granted, but not Flagler sophomore Jeff Bryant. Prior to attending Flagler, he faced a year-long battle with Osteosarcoma, a type of bone cancer. For nine long months, he underwent chemotherapy, which in trying…

Florida leads nation in Zika virus cases

By Troy MacNeill | The number of Zika virus cases in Florida has risen to 79, the highest of any state in the nation. There has been only one case reported in St. Johns County so far, according to the Florida Department of Health….

Bill targeting refugees fails

By Lindsay Tahan | A controversial state bill aimed at establishing additional screening for Syrian refugees has failed to advance in the Florida Legislature. Before the bill’s demise, Florida Rep. Lake Ray, R-Jacksonville, had complained that some media outlets had been putting out “misinformation” about…

Pagan advocacy club fights religious intolerance and ignorance

By Dulce Ros | Dakota Niswonger waits for everyone to get comfortably seated and signed into the mysterious, medieval-style log book. “This is a safe haven,” the charismatic president of Pantheon, Flagler College’s official Pagan club, reminds everyone. “One where you can freely state what you…

Journalism panel lends advice to communications students

By Brianna Kurzynowski | Flagler College’s Communication Department and PRSSA hosted the 11th annual Communications Week during the week of March 14 through 17. Held on Tuesday the journalism panel emphasized the importance of being a self-starter while working at internships and in future…

Sea level rise: A looming threat

By Ariel Thomas | Most of downtown St. Augustine and much of the nearby coastline will likely be underwater by the year 2050, according to a three-year study of the Matanzas River basin. “It’s not a question of whether it will rise, but when,”…

Presidential primary set for Tuesday

By Ariel Thomas | More than 30,000 people voted early or by mail in St. Johns County in advance of the presidential primary scheduled for Tuesday. Republican Donald Trump is favored to win in Florida, polls show. The St. Johns County Supervisor of Elections reported Sunday…