
It’s 2019, and we still don’t have male birth control

By Katherine Hamilton | You’ve been fooling around for awhile and things are heating up. The next step naturally is doing ‘it,’ but he isn’t showing any signs of slowing down. You think to yourself, “When is he going to reach for the condoms,” but he never…

Hispanic Heritage Week helps Flagler College students leave their legacy

By Lauren Piskothy | Every year, Flagler College puts together a week of events to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. The week consists of readings from Hispanic writers, visiting writer’s panels and most importantly, the student panel, where Hispanic students have a platform to openly share…

Meet your friendly local meteorologist, Richard Nunn

By Mara Mazar | Richard Nunn describes himself as an “all-American nerd” who has “made being a dork into a long lasting occupation as a meteorologist” on his LinkedIn profile. Delivering weather forecasts with WJXT since 2004, he is always trying to make people smile….

FCTV News: Solar City

By Austin Sanchez | A small South Florida community has developed a blueprint for sustainable living. Babcock Ranch president and residents detail what makes the first solar powered city in America unique.

FCTV News: Aphasia

By Austin Sanchez | Over 200,000 Americans suffer from aphasia, a condition which makes communicating following a stroke extremely difficult. Aphasia awareness activist, Tom Broussard, explains the condition with the help of a currently affected family.

Photo story: Jenna Boyter, Electric Chair Tattoo

By Rachel Gibson | Local tattoo artist, Jenna Boyter showcases her talent and friendly personality at Electric Chair in St. Augustine, Florida.“I have always loved tattoos ever since I first saw them as a kid,” Boyter said. “I love the idea of doing something…