
Student’s car allegedly stolen

By Matthew Boyle |

A Flagler College student’s car was allegedly stolen on Wednesday.

JD Bray, a Communication major, said his black two-door 2000 Ford Explorer was stolen from where he parked it across the street from his off-campus house at 312 Saint George St.

Tough times no sweat for Sailor Cher

By Jill Houser |
Photo by Jill Houser

Sailor Cher is not afraid of losing her job.

She curses and struts around in a mini skirt and stilettos, proudly displaying the colorful ink all over her body. At age 57, Sailor Cher has such a confident and vivacious personality that is hard not to stare in wonder.

Student spawns green activism on campus

By Cal Colgan |
Photo by Paige Denkin
Flagler junior Victoria Priester plans to fight for environmental justice by starting a Greenpeace chapter at the College.

“I’m incredibly passionate about the environment and conservation, and I feel that there’s not enough activism on campus,” said Priester, 21.

Garden crops up in Lincolnville

By Cal Colgan |
Photo by Matthew Boyle

Cash McVay is finally seeing his group’s idea come to fruition.

McVay, 39, is one of the directors of CitySprout, a local organization dedicated to promoting energy conservation by planting community gardens in St. Augustine. This August, CitySprout finished building the perimeter fence and laying the dirt for the Lincolnville Community Garden, a 900-square foot plot located at the Eddie L. Vickers Recreational Facility in Lincolnville.

Flagler confirms two more Swine Flu positive students

By Matthew Boyle |

Flagler confirmed two more student cases of H1N1 (swine flu), bringing the total confirmed cases to three.

Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs Yvan Kelly confirmed the two additional students with H1N1 are off campus residents. Kelly also said there are 10 students exhibiting flu-like symptoms now.

Other colleges dealing with H1N1 outbreaks

By Alicia Nierenstein |

Flagler College isn’t the only school in the region with a sweeping fear of an H1N1 (swine flu) outbreak.
Seven cases of H1N1 popped up at Stetson University in DeLand since the beginning of the school year.

“Seven specimens have come back H1N1 positive since the beginning of this school year, but the kids who have had it are back in class after 3-5 days,” said Stetson’s Health Services Director Debbie Cassidy. “At the beginning of the school year we expected a surge of the flu, and that is what happened.”

SGA’s new chief wants change

Matulewicz plans to give student government a make-over

By Cal Colgan |

While some of us have been dreading the start of classes, David Matulewicz seems excited for this year.
Perhaps that is because he can finally put his plans into action.