
Finding the Meadow

By Lauren Belcher |

Less than a year ago, I went on a journey.

It was five days of intense therapy called Hero’s Journey.

I was told to have someone drop me off at a hotel that was about 15 minutes away from my home in West Palm Beach. Pack five days worth of clothing and leave all electronics at home. No cell phone, no laptop. These days were to be spent with no distractions so you can only spend time with you and your thoughts.

Given, Taken by God

By Lauren Belcher |

Webster’s dictionary defines a void as: not occupied; vacant; not inhabited; deserted; containing nothing. That sounds about right.

I define a void as: sadness; depression; loneliness; fear; defeat.

For as long as I can remember, I have tried to fill the void. I’m always trying to keep myself distracted so I won’t feel like I’m alone.

Video game addiction not only for boys anymore

By Jessica Fashant | The sunlight could barely reach beyond the heavy curtains Lauren Hinkley pulled closed in the living room. It was a beautiful day, but she wouldn’t be going outside anytime soon, or even looking out the window. Rarely did she even…

New revisions causes stir among Autism, Asperger’s community

The American Psychiatric Association proposed a controversial change in February to its manual that would make Asperger’s syndrome part of autism spectrum disorders rather than a separate diagnosis. In the current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, which helps health professionals identify conditions, it is not listed under autism.

Unemployed can find daily jobs, charity money

by Jill Houser |

Several St. Johns County residents have traded in their suits and ties for ankle high work boots, hoping to get a job.

“It’s really sad,” Julie Tucker, customer service representative at Labor Ready in St. Augustine, said. “These aren’t homeless men. These are men who lost their jobs as actual business owners.”

The ones who wait

Jewish community shares feelings about living in a Christian society
By Lauren Belcher |

In St. Augustine there are more than 100 Christian churches but only three places of worship for a Jew. The local Jewish community is small and mostly comprised of retirees.

Within that community, Jews divide themselves by how they express their faith.

The First Congregation Sons of Israel synagogue has been in St. Augustine for 85 years.