
Flagler students speak out on dietary supplements

By Amber James |

Three martial art styles, numerous Cross-Fit routines and one broken foot later, Carly Lupo is a fighter.

The psychology major trains mixed martial arts five days a week, constantly in and out of Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, boxing and open mat sessions at the Combat Club in St Augustine. In July she broke her foot, but still worked on her boxing and sparring skills while healing. She also lifts weights at Planet Fitness and does a Cross-Fit routine includes box jumps, farmer’s walk, medicine ball wall ball, push-ups, burpees, four-count sit ups, kettle bell swings, and push press.

Study: Oral cancers on rise due to HPV

By Ryan Buffa |

Many Flagler College students are reconsidering human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines due to the growing number of head and neck cancers in the United States caused by the HPV virus.

According to a new study in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, the number of cases of oropharyngeal cancer, which are cancers of the tonsils, throat and base of the tongue, have been rising since the mid-1980s.

“I got all three shots because I was influenced by my doctor and my mom because it seemed like a good way to protect myself,” said student Courtney Fusilier. “I think people should get it if they don’t want to die from those types of cancer.”

The causes of oral cancers function within two categories: cancer caused by tobacco and alcohol and cancer caused by the sexually transmitted virus, HPV, researchers said.

St. Augustine strives for fresh face on history

By Tiffanie Reynolds|

Historic Downtown St. Augustine will now get much needed restoration under the management of University of Florida.

The university was selected as part of a bill arranged by State Rep. William Proctor, who thought a partnership would better fund the projects without taxing the city.

“It occurred to me at the time that Pensacola has a number of houses of this type and that the state provides some money for their maintenance through the University of West Florida. I raised that issue and the city commission asked to see if we could pass comparable legislation,” said Proctor, District 20 Florida House Representative.

Reenactors react to demise of Spanish Quarter

By Michael Isam |

At the end of August, the St. Augustine City Commission voted to close the Colonial Spanish Quarter because it continued to lose money. The decision ended a seven-decade long program of active preservation, restoration and interpretation at the city-run historical attraction on St. George Street.

Stetson Kennedy: A celebration of a legend

By Michael Isam | Photo by Michael Isam The word “legend” comes to mind when the name Stetson Kennedy enters into a conversation. A legend can be a star, a celebrity or even a fable. To the 100-plus who attended the celebration of Kennedy’s…

Three doses of HPV vaccine not necessary for cancer prevention, study says

By Amber James |

There has been much controversy throughout the years surrounding Gardisil and Cervarix, two FDA approved vaccines that help prevent cervical cancer.

Most recently, Republican presidential hopeful, Michele Bachmann, claimed the humanpaillomavirus (HPV) vaccine can cause mental retardation after meeting a mother who said it caused mental retardation in her daughter.

Faculty Senate matching calendar with classes

By Tiffanie Reynolds |

Starting fall 2013, students may be seeing more days off in the school year.

The academic calender resolution, passed by the Faculty Senate September 14, is planning to bring two extra holidays in the fall and three holidays in the spring. Along with Martin Luther King Jr. Day, it adds Labor Day, Veterans Day, Presidents Day, and one more day to Thanksgiving break and Spring break. It also gives students the Thursday and Friday before finals off as study days.