Arts & Entertainment

Former metal guitarist becomes a folkie

Music just comes naturally to Josh Santos.

Santos first started in music by playing the saxophone in his middle school band, but soon wanted to try other instruments. After his grandfather bought him a guitar the summer before Santos started high school, he knew he had found his instrument of choice.

Economy causes hookah lounge to close

By Liliana Cerquozzi |
Photo by Ashley Smith

For Ray Adieh, owner of Kulture Hookah Lounge, closing of his beloved business is a tragedy.

Businesses all around West King Street are shutting down. Some store owners have found no way around it.

“There is not enough business to sustain the bills,” Adieh said.

Bike culture in St. Augustine

By Bo Culkeen |
Top Photo by Josh Weaver; Bottom Photo by David Castagno

The latest trend in St. Augustine isn’t tight jeans, neon v-necks or multicolored Ray-Bans. It’s bicycles.

Bicycles are blowing up the streets of St. Augustine like the Fourth of July and no one is holding anything back. Imagine Martha Stewart on an episode of West Coast Customs: Bicycle Editions. That’s basically what’s rolling around the streets of downtown.

New sushi joint has students choosing Spy

By Joey Metz |

You’d better watch out Fusion Point and Yamato, there’s a new sushi bar in town, and it looks like this one is rolling for keeps.

Spy Sushi and Saketini Lounge, located at 21 Hypolita Street (or the old Crab Grabbers, for you locals), has just recently opened its doors. So far, the local reviews are Sake-ing it to the previously best-rated sushi bars in St. Augustine.

The Movement sees no walls from students

By Liliana Cerquozzi |
Photo by Liliana Cerquozzi

For Ray Eme, The Movement was not just about having fun and performing respective arts in the name of God. It turned out to be more than that when the non-Christian community of Flagler College attended the March event.

The Movement was a weeklong event that held a religious panel, various nights of performances and a final dinner.